Once Apart of the Family | Teen Ink

Once Apart of the Family

May 28, 2014
By roetters SILVER, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
roetters SILVER, Lake St.Louis, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The time was coming near. I knew that he was getting older. Duke had been there when my parents brought me home for the first time. We grew up together. He had become one of my best friends. I still miss him. He was the best dog we had ever had.

He had slick, brown and black hair, his paws and chest white. With a slouching posture he would walk around like a silent lamb barking only when we came home or he wanted outside. Although very quiet, he knew how to comfort and love. In his prime he enjoyed hanging out, but as he withered he was not always up for it.

Catch was Duke’s favorite game. If you let him outside with you he would stay where you could see him. Every once and awhile he would get a little curious and would go explore being sure to never be gone too long.

My family began to do more of the comforting since he did not do much but sleep anymore. Even though he was getting old and it did not seem like he was giving much to the family, he did, he still brought joy. When you have known someone your whole life and you care about them just seeing them makes you happy.

Then it came. One night we were watching T.V. when Duke tried to get up off the couch. While getting up he lost his balance and flopped of the couch, it was a sad sight to see. As he tried to get up we could see he was in pain. When he walked he had a limp in his back leg. Trying to climb back onto the couch he struggled. Finally giving up, he hobbled to a chair that was not so high off the ground and sat down. The night became a gloomy one. I got up to go sit by him and just pet him. We had a strong feeling that he had broken his hip.

“We are probably going to have to put him down,” my mom said as I got up for school the next morning.

“I figured you were going to say that,” I told my mom wishing it was not true.

That entire morning sucked as I tried to push through it and get ready for school. When it was time to leave I sat there and hugged him forever. I scratched the top of his head behind his right ear, which I knew was his favorite place for a good scratch. He lightly leaned into my hand. Tears began to well in my eyes as the knowing I was never going to see him again hit me full force.

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