The Office | Teen Ink

The Office

June 3, 2014
By AJop112 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
AJop112 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
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The first time being in trouble is a emotional time because of the consequences. You probably remember the first time you were in trouble whether it was with the law, parents, or school. I remember clearly the first time I was in trouble because of a action I decided to perform. Let me tell you my story and what I learned for my experience.

I was in the Fourth grade. I can’t remember what month it was. Fourth grade was going really good for me and I was learning new things. I really enjoyed school. But on one day, I got called down to the principals office. I was called down because my friend told the principal everything that happened. The principal named Dan walked into the classroom and called my name, suddenly my heart started to race, my blood pressure was rising, my face was turning red, and I felt embarrassed in front of the whole class. From that point on, I knew I was in deep trouble. The principal had me take out all of my belongings out of my locker including backpack, pencil box, coat and lunchbox. The principals office was only one hallway down from the classroom I was in and the walk to his office was the longest walk, it felt that I was walking for ten minutes down to the office and my heart was racing, my body was starting to sweat, my mind was filled with thoughts like what is going to happen now and how will I get out of this mess. Shortly after arriving at the principals office, I sat down next to my friend who was already waiting, we both looked at each other and didn’t exchange a single word but I could tell in his facial expression that he was sorry that he had to tell on me. There was a total of three people including myself that were in trouble.

The days leading up to this mess, two other friends and I brought a brightly colored bic lighter to school. We certainly didn’t mean to cause any harm or have any bad intentions. To this day, I still cannot explain why we did such a thing. One reason I think why we did this because we thought it was cool. We didn’t show or tell anyone. It was a secret between us. Our luck ran out when a teacher found out. My friend whose name I do not want to mention told me later how the teacher found out. She found out when he went to go and pick up a pencil from the ground, he was wearing shorts and the lighter that he had fell out of his pocket and another classmate saw it, the classmate immediately reacted and told the teacher which then the teacher called the principals office. My friend had to tell the principal everything like who was involved, why did he bring it, where did he get it from, what were the intentions. This was the first time I really was in deep trouble.

Sitting in the principals office next to both of my friends, the principal gave us our consequences, called our parents, and confiscated our lighters. I was thinking to myself of the consequences like expulsion, or possibly a long detention. Like most elementary school kids when they get in trouble, they tend to make up excuses. My excuse was that I found the lighter outside and was holding on to it. In reality, I took the lighter from my house and so did my other two friends from their homes too. Of course the principal didn’t think my excuse was valid, so all three of us were suspended for three days I believe so. The three days suspension was awful, all I did was sit in the office all day long and do classwork while the teacher would bring us all the work that had to be completed for each day. Each day I would be assigned to a different room and separated from the other two friends. One day I would sit in the nurses office, the other day I would be the conference room, and finally on the last day I sat in the principals office. The principal did have comfortable chairs, so I can’t complain sitting in those all day long. After I completed the three day suspension, I returned back to class and everything went on as usual. But soon after, someone started a rumor that we tried to set a girls backpack on fire, but that was never true. Kids in my grade were trying to seek attention and trying to make me look bad.

In Conclusion, this story is one of the stories that I have never told anyone or have told people very little details and what really happened. To this day, it’s still hard for me to talk about and explain to some that I brought a lighter to school. I’m just afraid that if I tell people they may think different about me or jump to different conclusions. Even my really close friends don’t know about this story. I’m still friends with one of the people who was involved in this incident. I will always remember this story throughout my whole life.

The author's comments:
This piece was written for a school project

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