100 Dollars | Teen Ink

100 Dollars

June 4, 2014
By Roebi Mitchell BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Roebi Mitchell BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wonder..... Why did that man go around giving people money? I wish I were born in that time, walking on the street and then all of a sudden a person just giving me $100. I would be very happy. That sounds like the best day a person could have. Especially because the prices back then weren't even half as much as most of the stuff is now. I wonder how that man picked those people out?. Did he ever do anything to those people and was know trying to change his ways and start fresh with them? Was it people that he knew? People that were new to the town? Strangers? People that he really knew and knew that they were going through something? Or was it people that he didn't know but knew that that they were going through something. If that man is still alive I want to find a way to reach him to ask these questions

If I were that man I would probably give money to people that I know were going through something or people that I didn't know but they were going through something. I would give it to charity if they had that back then and probably everyone but not at once because then it would be a stampede of people trying to get money from me,but they man sounds like a very good man.

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