Activism | Teen Ink


June 10, 2014
By schmidtler BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
schmidtler BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What does it mean to be proactive? What makes one an activist, specifically in this case, for LGBT rights? It is definitely not what my school considers activism. I support equal rights for the LGBT community, but I find myself disgusted by my school's false activism. What my school does is tell everyone to wear purple, and some people will not speak for the day in an attempt to raise money. What ends up happening, though, is people wearing purple and calling anyone who does not participate in this pointless event homophobic. It also seems to advocate being conformist.

It bothers me to no end that people think that because they are wearing purple, supporting gay rights in a highly liberal school, they are helping the cause. No. Wearing a specific T-shirt on a specific day does not help the cause at all. There is so much more that could be done to actually help the LGBT community gain equal rights than wearing purple and shutting your mouth for a day. Write to a congressman, protest, do anything. But do not just sit around and think that wearing purple or a rainbow is doing anything to help anyone. People need to fight for what they believe in.

It seems like my school is doing more harm than good with this type of event. It makes people feel obligated to conform, or otherwise be seen as homophobic. Instead of working together to help a cause, some people would rather argue with the small number of people, like myself, who refuse to pretend they are activists. Anyone not outwardly showing support is at risk of being ostracized. The school should not be promoting this kind of conformity, people should be encouraged to stand up for their beliefs. This may make people feel like they are taking a stand, but in reality, it does nothing. They should be encouraged to act in a way that will make a difference.

To be proactive is "to act in anticipation of future needs, problems, or changes," according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. My school is not teaching students to do that. This false activism is not helpful. It can be harmful for the community, even. It makes people conform out of guilt, and think they are making a difference when they are not really. Being an activist requires one to be passionate about the cause, and that requires more than just wearing a purple shirt and not talking for a day.

The author's comments:
I want people to do more to stand up for themselves and what they believe is right. Do something that is legitimately going to cause change.

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