Matroyshka Dolls | Teen Ink

Matroyshka Dolls

June 18, 2014
By ntaleon BRONZE, Langley, Other
ntaleon BRONZE, Langley, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the person your younger self needed"

Unexpectedly he appears. With every hopeful step towards our bench we think, “Oh s***”. He comes closer and our eyes wander elsewhere, but his are directed straight towards us. There he stood staring at a near distance. No one would talk to him. An uncomfortably abrupt pause in conversation would show someone they aren’t welcome but he was different. We gave him a chance. An inevitable hello came up inviting him to walk a little closer. And in a boost of self- confidence, he broke through the wall of black-jacketed backs. He spoke of his achievements with a cautious tone—once in a while shifting his eyes—thinking hard on how to impress everyone. Despite our efforts to congratulate him away, he stood permanently in place. He was paralysed in a position waiting for a better response, one from a sweeter voice. He stepped into what was once a comfortable circle and disturbed it, forcing me to back up, but he followed. His crooked smile came nearer and bigger. A friend interrupted with a genuine smile upon noticing how close he was getting. They bumped into each other. His glowing face suddenly disappeared, becoming confused and eventually disappointed. He was hurt but that wasn’t anyone’s intent. He understood though, and walked away. Although we felt sorry, a sigh of relief waved throughout the bench and our conversations continued easily. The next day arrived. It was lunch hour and as expected we assembled at our bench. But unexpectedly he appeared. Here we go again.

The author's comments:
I'd like to dedicate this piece to my friends who would always save my ass, the best sister anyone could ask for (a.k.a. my personal editor in homework and in real-life), and most importantly, to David Mitchell's biggest fan.

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