Living in an Ideal World | Teen Ink

Living in an Ideal World

June 25, 2014
By Bakhtawar SILVER, Kota, Other
Bakhtawar SILVER, Kota, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Jonathon swift’s novel ‘Gulliver’s travels’, swift shares a vision of an ideal world of houyhymen. A world of horses, where there is perfection in everything. Everyone was content; they had no laws as they did not need it. They were rational beings living in harmony with their surroundings. Furthermore there was no pain, sorrow or crime because the inhabitants were very benevolent and rational and they would not do anything that would break the peace and harmony.

“A very beautiful vision, indeed”. It’d be such a treat to have an opportunity to live in a place like this. It’d be a great experience and a distant leap out of the everyday’s rat race. But on the second thought, it’d be the world’s most boring place to live at. If you have read the book you’d know that these horse-people always follow the path of reason i.e. their common sense. It is a reasonable thing, too.

But alas they’d never know for once the meaning of listening to the heart. Nor about true satisfaction that comes with it. Why, they would never have broken odd rules or questioned the very laws of the world, which is what great people do. Just a boring foreboding silence must be everywhere.

No innocent child shall be noisy, or it shall commit his childish follies. It’d be a nightmare, to be trapped in world of reason and silence. Your close friends would no more tease you or make fun of you, then what would be left of the spirit of friendship. There would be nowhere to go to get rid of the damn formalities because your very friend would turn serious and formal towards you. Although at first you might enjoy these moments, but later, you’d be so much bored of these intellectual nerd horses that that you’d scream your head off to break the gripping silence. And they would throw you out as well, among the yahoos (they are the outcast human relatives in the island of houyhymen). If you have already read the book then you must know that how repulsive, gross and malevolent, these yahoos are. Well now you know what made them so. Anybody living with these horses would start hating goodness altogether (exception: Gulliver indeed).

So you see, every one of us is an inhabitant of their own world (wonder, why we call schizophrenics mad then), another dimension. A perfect world that is free of pain, sorrow and loss. A world of your own, that is free of negativity. Ever wondered what we find great in art, we express our desires, our visions of our inner world in it. We like seeing art works because we identify our own desires in them. That is how an artist proves the existence of similarity in everyone’s desire.

But yet, there is this real world, far from what we are searching for. Nothing in comparison to what we aspire to have. To me, this is a perfect world, why? Well, because there is the perfect balance of negative and positive energies. There is equal good and equal bad residing on this planet. If you believe there isn’t; then it means that you are so much attached to your mental realm that you can’t allow a little amount of negativity in it. The key is realization.

Imagine your life as the greatest novel ever written in the whole world. Full of suspense, you’d never know what is round the corner. It could be a reward or a punishment. But be sure of one thing, that at every step and after every chapter, the main character (that is you) shall improve and get better as each incident of life is a lesson that shapes your real world.

Everyone needs a shelter from the harsh reality and your mental realm serves the purpose. But it is for temporary relief, not to hide in it forever (and that makes you a coward and a schizophrenic). A beautiful world of our own, this drives us through in tough times of life. Giving us the desire to manipulate and adjust the reality itself.

Go ahead make it better but for god sake don’t think of making it the boring perfect!!

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This article has 3 comments.

Abhinay said...
on Jul. 5 2014 at 10:16 am
Abhinay, Kota, Other
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Cool One ! Completely Got Over My Head !!!!

Abhinay said...
on Jul. 5 2014 at 10:14 am
Abhinay, Kota, Other
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Abhinay said...
on Jul. 5 2014 at 10:01 am
Mote ! Tu Toh Bilkul Authors Ki Tarah Likhne Lag Gaya Be !! Literally... Things Like Realisation N All Got All Over My Head :P