A Better Life | Teen Ink

A Better Life

September 11, 2014
By kenny herrera BRONZE, Pacoima, California
kenny herrera BRONZE, Pacoima, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I didn't really know how my mom came to this country so i asked her if she can take me to my grandpa so i can ask him a few question about what he thinks the american dream of his perspective coming from a different country.


My grandpa is from mexico the state is called torion. He came to this country to look for a better life and to pursuit his american dream. He literally came to the U.S running and he had to hide from the border patrol in a restaurant, so he can survive and try to pursuit his dream. Now i am going to talk about so events happened in his life trying to accomplish his dream. My grandpas name is pedro guerrero, he came to this country in 1986. The earthquake didn't really affect my grandfather because he was barely settling in the country he was living in a apartment and his job well there wasn't that much to do but he didn't get laid off his boss kept giving him work but it was very little work but just enough to maintain himself. He is 60 years old, he hasn't accomplished his dream but he has accomplished part of it. His most memorable moment was when he became an official american citizen he truly felt proud to be called an american. His view and perspective of the american dream is just support his family live in a nice house and don't have to worry about anything like with out hiding from the police or anything to live in peace with his family.

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