A Year From Now | Teen Ink

A Year From Now

September 23, 2014
By Miklftw BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Miklftw BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every year people change, physically, mentally and psychologically. People get taller, get deeper voices, act differently. People start thinking in different ways, wondering things they've never wondered. And in the midst of it all is high schools. In high school every year of students is a whole new social group, as seen in a novel titled Speak. Anyhow, I can prove that my topic it true. Anyone can look back into themselves, explore your past present and future. I used to be so energetic, happy and hyper. That has kinda faded away. Anyway, in 1 year I don't know exactly what will happen. I've just got to put my best in what I do and hope things turn out for the best. But chances are I'm going to fail my classes anyway. I accept my fate as I move forward in my life. People form out of the choices they make. They make us.

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