The lonely one | Teen Ink

The lonely one

September 24, 2014
By Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Silmag16 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was alone, i knew no one. It was my first day into a new school. It was also the last marking period of the school year. I had wanted to move from my old school for so long, but once i finally got the chance i suddenly had to urge to leave anymore. Everyone stared at me. "The new girl" they whispered. My old school had about 2,000 students but even with that amount everyone kneweach other. This school had about 600-700. Yet no one seemed to come up tp me or ask for my name. The hallways were confuising and the students were weird.

  I didnt want to be here. All day i was wondering who i was going to sit with at lunch, i was dreading my ffirst day. I ket getting in trouble and i didnt quite know why. So then two years later i've only made two friends, next year i'll be a senior and i've never had a better high school experience then when i went to Oxford. I can't wait until i graduate.

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