What's Done Can't Be Undone | Teen Ink

What's Done Can't Be Undone

September 25, 2014
By Ant103 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Ant103 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
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                Everyone has been through a phase in their lives when they have done something and thought “Man if I never did that everything would be fine right now.” I have been through many times when this happened to me before. I am at the stage in my life where everything I do has reasoning. I never know what might happen in effect to my actions but I still do it. It always comes that one point in time where I get myself stuck in a situation I rather not be in and think “I should have never got myself in this predicament.”  I always remember the time where I really thought that I messed up and knew at that moment that I could never take back what I did.


                When I was in 8th grade I was just beginning to mature and allowing myself to open up from being the quiet and shy young man that I was. I came across a girl named Tamiya that I really felt attracted to. She was just my type and I knew that I had to let her know how I felt before anyone else did. Soon enough I eventually let her know how I was feeling and she didn’t let me down either; she told me that she was feeling the same way about me. That was the moment when I knew that I had to express my feelings more to get what I want. After a while Tamiya and I began to get very close to each other and I knew that she was exactly who I wanted. By 9th grade year Tamiya and I were in a well committed relationship.


                Everyone knows that beginning High School is extremely different from Middle school & Elementary. For me it was just that, EXTREMELY different. Actually High school wasn’t just different for me it was unfamiliar, I wasn’t used to seeing so many people and so many attractive girls. However, I was still in a relationship and my girlfriend went to the same school as me so I had to stay away from being too social with other females. My relationship with Tamiya was remarkable; everyone could tell we were in a relationship without us even telling them. Even though we were a couple in school that stood out there was this one awfully flirtatious girl named Alexis that I had almost every class with. She always used to flirt with me and I began to flirt back with her because she was very attractive. After almost half of 9th grade year we began to talk on the phone and see each other out of school.


At this point I was still dating Tamiya and I don’t think she even had a clue that I was cheating on her. I used to feel guilty when I was with Tamiya and I saw Alexis in school just walking past us smiling. She knew I had a girlfriend she just didn’t care, and I knew I was wrong I just couldn’t help myself. Well one day Tamiya told me she was sick so she wouldn’t be coming to school, so I took that as extra time to talk to Alexis. During third period’s class switch Alexis and I were in the hallway laughing and flirting with each other which was usual for us when Tamiya wasn’t around. Then in a split second I knew I had messed up everything. Tamiya was walking down the hall and Alexis saw her so she kissed me; Tamiya saw, turned around and walked the other direction. I went chasing after her but she wanted nothing to do with me. The next day I stopped talking to Alexis and spent the next week trying to get my girlfriend back. It just didn’t work; Tamiya broke up with me for good. I wished every day that I could take back the day when I first started talking to Alexis and just remained loyal to Tamiya.


I really was down in the dumps for a couple months thinking about how I really screwed up and I couldn’t do anything to change what I did. This made me think to myself to consider the consequences of my actions before I attempt to do what I want to do. I know everyone had to experience a time like this before, I know for sure that I’m not the only one. This is a stage that all teens go through in life. Now I think carefully before making split second decisions that could have long term consequences. I take that experience as a lesson well learned.


The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a previous reltionship.

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