Bye Bye Butterfly | Teen Ink

Bye Bye Butterfly

October 3, 2014
By marylynn_alva BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
marylynn_alva BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"one good thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

"Bye! See you at the end of May. We will be standing right there greeting you with a really big hug. Have so much fun in India and take care." I said. "Awh your so sweet want to say hi to Brittney?" said Connie. "Sure.." I said as she passed the phone to Brittney. Have so much fun, enjoy yall's selves, well I have to go bye!"

My sister arrived to India at 2:00 am here in New Mexico time. They stayed in different resosrts all over Northern and Easten India. A couple days into the trip my sister told my parents thats she felt sick and over heated. We worried because we didn't want anything bad to happen to her. We thought the chaperones had it all covered. She would ask to go to the med but they didnt allow her.

Already two weeks have passed from the trip and im so happy because my sisterb is finally coming back! One because it feels  like 500 years, instead of one month. Then two becuse of the presents and souveneirs.

It was just a regular day at scool and my sister was texting me, she was asking "Where am I?" also "Why havent you gotten here yet?" I was very worried and scared, it seemed like my siser was going crazy! Just when we thought we'd have her back in our arms in a couple days...

I got home from school and my parents were sitting at the dining table with a horrible look, eyes daized hands scratching head because they were so desperate! All we wanted was the big girl home. I knew something was wrong, i just didnt know how to find out what it was. "whats going on? why are yall so serious?" i asked my parents. "ay mija, how do we tell this to you?" as i responded to my mother she started crying and said "your sister is in the hospital. shes very sick, the docotors says she has meningitis." A strong woman who i have never seen cry before only about 5 times, let it out. I ran outside and bawled my eyes out.

When we found out all that info the teachers woukd keep in touch and they told us how she was doing on the daily. One of the teachers said she mightve not came back on the return date. But she was strong and came back on her  return date.

I couldnt imagine my sister in a hospital bed without her family to support her through what she was going through. With fake teachers that didnt allow her to see a dcotor when she asked for it. But we were there to support her even if she was across the word.

It was May 31 and there she was in a wheelchair with a pilot pushing her towsrds her family. i was so excited to see her. i didnt want to cry in front of her and her friends but my little tears of joy and sadness came out. But that didnt matter she was back safe and sound.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece  because in my class we had to write about a tragic moment that happened to us. And well this broke me for a long time.

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