My Story Chapter 3 | Teen Ink

My Story Chapter 3

October 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“I still don’t understand why you are threatening to kill yourself.”

“What do you mean? I have told you what She said to me! What she has done to me! All these years I have told no one and now I can’t take it anymore!

“But why?”

“Why? Why?! I want to die! Why?! Because I knew that if I told no one would believe me like how you don’t. No one would understand like how you’re not! No one would listen like how you’re not listening to me!”
I stopped. My breathing was not getting any better. Where was my inhaler. Where was the ambulance. Don’t I need a hospital or something. I need help. My phone is on the ground. The doctor is still talking on the phone, but no one is listening. I feel the same way as her. Calling out over and over again to get someone to listen, but no one is there, just ignoring her for what seems like hours.

My ringer is on.

Non-stop. My friends. L, Z, A, K. They are all texting me trying to figure out if I’m okay.  I’m not thinking about the rumors that are going to be around school tomorrow. I’m not thinking about M. my younger sister. I’m not thinking about my Dad. Everything is starting to go black from thinking too much too fast. Everything goes in a blur. I’m at Overlake Hospital.

They took my phone. My clothes. Even my shoes. It’s noon. I’m in a hospital bed, but I am in the hallway. They don’t have space yet. The nurses are asking me the same questions, why did you try? Why didn’t you take a step too far? What did she say? What did you want out of it?

I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me. I wake up in a room. I’m alone. The sliding door is closed, but I can only see a blur. There is a loud sound. Red is flashing everywhere. People are rushing in. All I hear is mumbling. I look at my right wrist. Scarlet liquid is seeping out of my wrist onto the floor while they rush me down the hall.

I wake up screaming. My dad jumps. And She looks bored out of her mind. The social worker is in front of me at a computer. She is asking me the same questions over and over again. I don’t know how I answer, but the next thing I know. I’m released from the hospital. I now need to prepare myself for the rumors. My phone is given back to me and there are too many texts to count, even from numbers I don’t know.

The author's comments:

Reminder that all this is true. Not doing this for the attention, but doing this because I feel it will help.

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