The Summer of Rocks | Teen Ink

The Summer of Rocks

November 20, 2014
By Johnnym17 BRONZE, Rockaway Beach, Oregon
Johnnym17 BRONZE, Rockaway Beach, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I sat there on the freshly brown painted porch thinking that nothing could overcome my boredom, my cousin Josh sat next to me just as bored if not more. The summer is suppose to be a time where friends get together and have a good time but in reality all that happens is kids sit at home bored and lazy.With nothing to do and nobody to hang out with,we were forced to use or mind and imagination to think of a fun way to consume our time.Back then only being about 8 or 9,we were very mulalishes and didn’t have any worries.
After about an hour of thinking and debating on what we should do, we came up with an event that seemed fun at the time but now that I look back it was not a very smart thing to do.As we sat there on the wooden perimeter of our grandparent’s garden in the backyard we decided we should grab hand fulls of gravel and throw it at the neighbors house who lived directly behind us.Getting the gravel wasn’t hard since we had a yard full but the hard part was hitting the target, the windows.Throwing the rocking with all our might we looked like major league pitchers trying to strike out the opposing batters.We thoght that the owners of the house only used the house as a beach house but we were highly mistaken, after about a dozen hand fulls of gravel and only hitting our target a handful of times we heard the door storm open with the owner rushing out like a raging bull.

“Quit throwing those gosh dang (actually explicit words) rocks at my house” the middle-aged man yelled at us.Only like kids our age would we ran scared for our lives, we rushed down the little alley way between our house and the big brick wall that divided our house and the property to the left of us.Once we ended up in the front yard, we stopped to catch our breath and started laughing like it was a huge joke or something.With our breath back we went inside like nothing ever happened and as soon as we sat on the couch we heard a big “BANG BANG BANG” on the door.Like a bat out of hell my grandpa jumped out of his recliner that he sat all day and ripped the door open.Scared that it was an emergency of some sort my grandpa yelled at the man “WHAT!”, a little freaked out the man took a step back at said “you need to tell those boys that they need to stop throwing rocks at my house”.Once they were done talking we were in a world of trouble.

My grandpa usually mellow sounded like a lion in the safari, the roar of his voice was quite scary.He told us to go to our room and think about what we have done and when he feels like it has been long enough he will come get us.Now bored again and in trouble it was twice as bad,about 2 hours went by before he went the stairs to get us.We decided that we should apologize to the neighbor and pick up the rocks from his dark green grass lawn.After we did those things we learned that we were also grounded to the house until further said.If we thought we were bored when we had the freedom of playing outside, we surely learned that being bored outside was a decision.A couple weeks went by before we were ungrounded but as soon as we were we ran outside like a cheetah charged it’s prey when it was hungry.

Looking back at my young self I now see that I wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box but I have learned a lot that will affect my future decisions.The rocks were the learning stone that taught me to respect others properties.Also boredom is in the mind, so go outside of the box and use your imagination to find fun things.A word of advice while having fun make sure you’re responsible.

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