My Experience at GodStock | Teen Ink

My Experience at GodStock

December 1, 2014
By Anonymous

My Experience at Godstock
This past weekend of November seventh through the ninth, I got to experience one of the best events I have ever experienced in my life.  I went to Godstock 2014 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Godstock is an event for high school students to meet each other and grow in their faith.  It is also for us to meet new people and make new friends that we can talk about that faith to once we leave.  The theme of the weekend was a Twitter theme, and the main hashtag that was used was #followme.  We had a verse that we were focused on for the weekend and that was “Those who love their life must lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.  Whoever serves me must follow me, and where ever I am, there will my servant be also.  Whoever serves me, the father will honor.  John 12:25-26.”  This verse means that the people who are so focused on their life here on earth and are rich and are kind of selfish don’t really know what they could have afterwards, but those who are selfless and help those in need are doing God’s work making them a follower of God and a disciple.
When we were heading to Godstock, I really didn’t know what I was going to be doing for the weekend.  The only part I really knew about the trip was that I was going to be listening to a band and that we were going to praise the Lord.  When we arrived at the Metropolis, we found out that our group had rooms on different floors which was a shame, but it ended up being okay.  As Holly (our youth director), Brianna, and I were going to the elevator to get to our room, on the third floor, the band walked out of it.  We were so excited to see them for the first time.  They had to go back into the elevator, because they were on the wrong floor, so we got to ride in the elevator with them and talk to them.  Then we went to our room, and it was beautiful!  It was pink, green, and silver.  We got settled in and had time to look around the hotel for a bit, then we went down to worship in the skybox.
When we got to the skybox the band was already set up and there weren’t a lot of people there.  After we were there for a while quite a few more people came into the room.  There were about 303 people there.  We listened and danced to the music the band played.  After they were done we listened to a pastor speak about the bible verse we were studying.  After that we had free time to go to chaos waterpark and then we had devotion time.  After that we went to bed, at 1 o’clock in the morning, so that we could get up to enjoy the next day!
Day two of this weekend was a ton of fun and super busy.  First thing we did was get up and eat breakfast, I got the chance to meet some new people, which ended up being my friends.  After breakfast we went to worship.  We listened to some more songs and had a blast listening to another pastor speak.  After worship we had workshops.  This was the time when we would go to different rooms, and do different things to boost our faith, and meet new people.  Some of the activities we were able to do was making hats and scarves, making crafts, hanging out with the band, making money for your youth group, and plenty more.  While we were doing some of these things I met some pretty cool people.  When we went to go meet the band, I didn’t really know what to expect from that, but they were super cool and funny.  They answered some questions, and we all laughed a lot.  After we were done with the workshops, we had another worship service where the band played again and another pastor spoke.  After that we were dismissed for supper, and we all went to red robins!  After supper we all took a short nap before the big concert!  The concert was a ton of fun, crazy, and very joy filled. They sang a lot of songs and played really cool instruments.  During the concert I got to dance with the cool new friends that I had made, along with the ones I already had.  After the amazing concert we got to go to action city.  We had a ton of fun there playing games with the band members and other people.
The third day of Godstock was a good day.  It was kind of sad that I had to say good bye to all of my new friends and it was also sad that I had to say good bye to the coolest band ever, but I got to keep something that will last forever and that is a stronger faith in god.  I’m super excited to see my friends that I met this year, next year, when I go back to Godstock.  My last few words for my story are #followme and #godstock2k14.

The author's comments:

I got the great experience of going to GodStock. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

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