Positivity | Teen Ink


December 18, 2014
By becca1438 BRONZE, Mariposa, California
becca1438 BRONZE, Mariposa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk down the hallway of my small rural high school and smile at everyone who passes by me. Some smile back, some look down, some look off into the distance. The reactions I receive are different for each person because of the diverse challenges we each face. I think to myself that maybe my smile, my positivity, can help change the world one day.  My kindness will create a change in someone’s life. If it is one thing that I have learned, it is that the positive influences in my life have changed the way I view others and most importantly myself; this knowledge can help me change the world. Positivity is a part of me, it is who I am. It is the mental and moral quality that is distinctive to me as an individual; it is my character.

I have been able to overcome my insecurities by actively overseeing the negative and only concentrating on the positive aspects of my life. I took control and found out who I truly was and who I want to be.  This is when I realized that I am a compassionate, influential individual who has the power to do anything that I desire.  This is why positivity is important. It helps people embrace who they truly are and believe they can do anything or be anyone they want to be. I strive to be kind and empathetic toward others because I understand what it feels like to not have an identity. Through my positivity, I am able to help people find themselves, just as I found my own self.

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