It was my fault, wasn't it? | Teen Ink

It was my fault, wasn't it?

January 10, 2015
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

I miss when you would come over and we would lie on my couch and just sit there without saying a word and it would be amazing bc I would be lying there on top of you with my head resting on your chest listening to your heartbeat while you rub my. back showing that you care. and I miss kissing you and freaking out because we could hear my dad come home so we would sit as far apart on the couch as possible when he walked in the door before he told us we could go to my room and do whatever we wanted. I miss hugging you tightly as you were about to leave and you kissing my forehead proving to me that you didn't want to leave and I miss walking home after school faster than I thought I ever could to meet up with you.
and now you're with her. only a week after you said you loved me. only a week after you left me like I was the cause to all this pain you were having. and you know what. you broke me and I'm still broken because I never got the opportunity to recover because it went from all to nothing faster than the blink of an eye and I wasn't ready for it. and that wasn't fair.
and now. I find out. almost 3 months later that you're dating someone who I called a good friend. that girl you left me for like I was garbage and it hurts like it was the first day I was trying to forget you.

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