Having the Right Christmas Spirit | Teen Ink

Having the Right Christmas Spirit

January 14, 2015
By Junkim51499 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Junkim51499 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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My high school in New Jersey holds an annual “Holiday Festival” , a festival in which students aid and take care of kids from Roberto Clemente Elementary School, a school in Paterson, New Jersey. Paterson has been infamous for many thefts,and has been known to be one of the most crime infested towns in New Jersey. For the high school students, students who are a bit more well off in comparison to those living in Paterson,  it is a chance to extend their available care to kids in need.  A community service project run by students ,Holiday Festival is a remarkably successful program. Taking in over 350+ kids every year,  students get to play with the kids in various different activities; these activities include playing in the lunchroom, hanging out  in the gym, playing in bouncy houses, giving  presents to the kids, and picking out presents for the kid’s families.
Much credit should be given to the students and teachers that put in many hours of arduous work to prepare for Holiday Festival. Wallpapers are laid out, decorations are hung up, Christmas Trees are unraveled, and book, clothing, and hat booths are opened up as well. The students and teachers have the joy of the kids as their priority, so although these many hours of preparation are tedious, they pay off two fold.


Personally for me, the day of Holiday Festival went by in a blur. This year, my kid’s name was David. I remember greeting David, telling him my name, and talking about Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. After that, we went to the gym for a little while, and then played with the Legos I had gotten him as a gift. As other kids started to gather around mine to see the Legos he was making, I immediately felt extremely happy and wanted to give him more gifts. Not only had Holiday Festival allowed David to have fun, it also allowed me to experience what it felt like to give and be rewarded with smiles.

As a second year escort, I’ve grown to love Holiday Festival. I got to spend a great amount of time with David, and I found myself getting attached to him. Although shy at first, I realized how energetic and kind he was as the day went on. The smile he gave me when he first received the presents I had gotten him made my day. As the day progressed, I found myself having just as much fun as he was having. However, as I was picking out things for his family, something he said changed my perspective. Smiling from cheek to cheek, he said; “I’m so happy I get to do this once a year because I never have the chance to do this at home”. I immediately realized that the kids here were not as fortunate, and that they needed a lot of care and love. I began to wonder the tremendous significance and effect of Holiday Festival, and it made me love it that much more.

The significance of Holiday Festival is enormous. The program helps kids escape from reality for a day, and although it may be just for a day, it helps them forget about  various financial or personal problems they may have. It allows them to have fun, and also helps students like me have fun as well. The program makes sure to ask each individual kid that will be taken care of for things that they want, and that information is given to the students, so the students can get the presents for the kids. My kid personally asked for Legos, an action figure, a basketball hoop, and some toy cars.  As I went to Tons Of Toys in Boulder Run in Wyckoff to get these things for him, the cashier greeted me with a smile, thanking me for doing such a charitable and generous work.  It made me realize that events like these are what bind people together.

As a rising junior in High School, I plan to take part in Holiday Festival for the rest of my High School career, and to do something related to it during my years in college. This experience made me really appreciate what I have, and gave me the courage to give back.  Although I may not be Dave’s escort again next year, I know somebody will be , and I know that he will be able to experience the joy he had with me, and I will be able to express my compassion to another kid next year.

Holiday Festival is an extremely gratuitous program. Right around the time of the holidays, Holiday Festival allows the kids to enjoy Christmas with gifts and welcoming students.
Although it may not end world hunger, or stop global poverty, clubs and events like these are a step in doing so.


The author's comments:

Holiday festival has been an incredible program, and i felt the need to write about it and tell people about how it should be implemented elsewhere.

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