Haunted House | Teen Ink

Haunted House

February 26, 2015
By Jenna Sparano BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Jenna Sparano BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The dark colors and stark trees in this painting remind me of  the time i went to a haunted house with my friends. I love the thrill of scary movies and always being on the edge of my seat so i figured i could handle a real-live version of this. Upon arriving with my friends, the scene looked like a big empty lot; however, as we hesitantly walked closer we saw big burly men with mangy hair and blood-splattered clothing revving up chainsaws and whipping leather belts, slicing through the hair as they chase their  innocent victims. This was way more interactive than i had expected. We get up to the ticket booth, all clinged together like birds in a nest, the wait seemed never ending. I was being surrounded by my worst nightmare. As i was continuously approached by terrifying freaks of nature, I suddenly realized that maybe i had enjoyed scary movies so much because they were MOVIES!! I felt invincible with the characters trapped in a glass box propped up in my living room as I gawked at the scenes with a popcorn-filled mouth. But a haunted house was quite the contrary. I was actually living in the hell that I had been watching on a screen on countless Saturday nights! Who would ever pay for this?!?! Well...i did. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting to reluctantly purchase a ticket into a living hell, my friends and cautiously walked around the park trying to remain undetected by the gorry creatures of the night. We sprinted through all the houses clung together so tight i must have had a dozen fingernail marks dug into my arms from my petrified friends. We bolted to the cars and left that haunted house behind us forever.

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