Dreamland can be a scary place | Teen Ink

Dreamland can be a scary place

March 12, 2015
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

I woke up with my head spinning and my sheets drenched in sweat. My dreams have never been ordinary. I mean, two days ago I dreamt about metallic spiders, who by the end of the dream turned into little humanlike dolls. Tonight’s dream was the weirdest, most complicated of all. To try and simplify it, I am going to break it down into fragments, but due to my own confusion, it is going to seem a little out of order?—?it was.

It started like a movie. It was the summary of musicals and movies. This part I saw from my own perspective. I went from building to building, hearing different songs and seeing different inscriptions. What kind of inscriptions I don’t remember in detail. What I do know is that they appeared on different building, with huge letters, like they were picking the most intriguing quotes from the movies and lyrics from the songs from the musicals.

Next thing I know I am in an apartment. I will warn you right now, that my words, and memories of the dream will not be filtered in any way, so if you don’t want to be confused/scared/maybe just simply shitless, you should stop reading right now. Just kidding. Keep on reading. It gets fun… but seriously though… it is weird. The apartment was not my own. That was probably the reason I was sleeping in someone else’s bedroom, which sometimes appeared as a room, other times as just a part of the living room. I guess, my imagination didn’t quite cover that small detail… or any other detail… At one point the lights went out. No electricity, nowhere. I went into a room and found the silhouette of my father sitting on the bed. I recognised him at once, even in the dark. We talked about something, but I don’t quite remember what.

Fun times! The dream suddenly changed. Now I wasn’t telling the story. The perspective was that of someone, unknown to me, just some third party person. He told the story of a person who was getting married. He was in the same apartment I had been in. He slept in a room opposite mine. His stare had followed my figure, as I had went out of the room wearing a shirt and underwear. I heard his thought, which had to do with me being hot. Don’t judge me! I don’t know where that came from!

I was walking my old dog Charlie and a few other dogs, which are new to me, but not according to my dream. I went inside a house, my dogs close behind. No! I opened the door and they came in first. I then walked around the house. I sat on a sofa and started petting one of the dogs. Charlie was sitting next to a wooden cupboard and staring at it. I went to see what he was looking at. He lifted his palm and it brushed over some inscription, which reminded me of a stupid thing my best friend and I had written on my mailbox, when we first learned to write. We wrote our names, with no spaces between the two words, so it looked something like this: “geryyana”. Yes, indeed, I didn’t know how to write my full name. I started crying. I think the inscription might have either been his name or both our names. I felt so sad that I had the need to have a shower?—?the need for my tears to disappear in the water. Interesting fact, in a dream there are no problems. You can bring a ukulele while you shower and sing your heart out.

I’m in a café, talking to three women, who are going to see a play. One of my favourite plays. It’s called ‘Art’. Anyway, they started talking about the actors. One woman said something about an actress, just out of the blue, saying that they had just f***ed and she smelled of strawberries. One woman didn’t like that fact, and made a negative comment. Something of the ‘ew gross’ sort and said that she’d rather do one of the actors in the play they were watching. I suddenly had the urge to buy tickets for that play (nothing to do with the three women).

And now comes the weirdest part. The changes. Two friends of mine, let’s call them M and M and I were running to catch a train. Why? I do not know. But we were racing?—?full speed ahead. Everything was blurry. Like I was drunk. The perspective changed from first person (me) to a side view. They usually changed when it was most blurry, I saw myself falling from afar, then the perspective went back to first person and I felt my body falling, I couldn’t do anything about it. I think I was seeing a faint image of my hand. Every time the feeling was like I was passing out.

Before I continue the story with the train, which actually alternated with a few scenarios (can’t be specific?—?don’t remember), I have a few honourable mentions that happened at some point, but I don’t remember when. I was at a restaurant with my brother and his boyfriend, who looked a little like Blain from Glee. A song started playing and my brother and I sang along for one verse. I stopped singing, but my brother and his boyfriend continued. I told them to stop, because people were starting to stare. I pretended to be irritated, but didn’t really mind it. My best friend’s parents, were supposed to drive me somewhere. I’d guess?—?school. My BF’s father was acting weird. He kept saying strange things that didn’t really make sense. Things like: “is it uphill or downhill?” when I was telling him where the place is. Another thing is?—?me, my brother and his best friend were talking. My brother talked about some random girl model I know, who had helped me out once. I said that she had randomly started talking to me, because my best friend had been a mutual friend or something. I then decided that it sounded weird, so I said that she just showed up at my house once, which sounded worse, so I stopped talking. From there the scenery changed to that of a restaurant. I was on a table with M and another M (I know a lot of Ms). One was not of the Ms from the train. This is important, because I saw that random model girl. Or at least I thought that was her. She looked like someone who the ‘new’ M hated.

Back to the train. Long story short, after a few pass outs M, M and I were on the train. We had to make a change trains soon. We went off the train on time, but then went back on, having forgotten something. We did a thing, don’t remember what, but before we knew it, the train was moving again, so we jumped. We were mighty fine, accept the fact that my head grew heavy and my sight grew dim. There were some iron obstacles, which I overtook like hurdles. At the last obstacle, I fell, just like before?—?in slow motion. I saw my body from afar for a seconds, then I saw a silhouette of my hand from my perspective and everything was black for a second.

One of the things I saw during the train passing outs was myself. a closeup from behind, so I saw only the side of my face. I was smiling, looking at a turning carousel. Everything was blurry. And the carousel was moving very fast.

Last thing I remember, I was staring at myself on a bed. There was music playing in the background. At this point I was aware that I was dreaming. I told myself the song name and showed the artist… there was fray in his name… pretty sure I’ve never heard of such a name.

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