Skateboarding | Teen Ink


April 1, 2015
By jamal03 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
jamal03 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started about a year ago, when my family and I went to Target. We were just going there to shop. Then, I was looking around on my own, and I found a skateboard. It was in a box, so I couldn’t try to ride it around. It looked pretty cool, and it didn’t cost that much. So, I asked my parents if I could get it, and they said that I could. I was in a hurry to get home, because I wanted to try it out.

When we got home, the first thing that I wanted to do was try it out. I opened it’s box, and got a closer look at it. The deck was white on both sides, and the wheels were blue and yellow. I set it down on the pavement and started practicing how to ride it. I quickly found out that it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, even with it having four wheels. You had to have pretty good balance to be able to ride it, and you had to keep kicking with your foot if you wanted to go faster. It was even harder to turn on the board. The easiest way to do it was to lift up the front of your board, and twist it to the side that you wanted to turn to. I kept practicing for a while, until it was late out, and then I went inside. I wanted to wait until the next day ride it more, and I was going to watch some videos online that would teach me how to ride it better.
The next day, I went outside to practice some more. The videos that I watched helped me a little. A lot of the videos that I watched said that I should loosen up the trucks, which are on the bottom of the skateboard where the wheels attach to. After I loosened it’s trucks, I started riding it to try it out. I found out that it was a little easier to turn. Since the trucks were loosened up, it was easier for me to lean to the side that I wanted to turn to without falling off. Most of the videos also said to keep practicing, that it was the only way to get better. Sometimes, when I got really frustrated, I was tempted to just give up. I kept trying not to, and it helped. If I gave up, I probably would’ve never learned how to ride a skateboard. Learning how to ride a skateboard didn’t just teach me about skateboarding, it also taught me to never give up and to keep trying on not just riding a skateboard, but on everything to have success.

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write about this piece when I was thinking of a good personal narrative to write about.

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