Taylor Swift | Teen Ink

Taylor Swift

May 5, 2015
By bia13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
bia13 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be yourself because everyones already taken.

Ring! ring! i woke up and dashed to the restroom to get dressed.i was so excited that today was the day i was going to meet Taylor Swift. i felt like the happiest person in the world, and i havent even met her yet. as i was finishing up getting dresse i noticed the time, we had to go! my mom and I zapped out the door an into the car. we were pulling into the concert about to park.Thump thump my heart was pounding i felt like butterflies were eating me up. we just sat down in our seats waiting axsiously for her to sing. All of a sudden we heard the sound of the drums, then her voice, i couldnt believe i was there watching her perform. Her voice was so amazing. Once the performance had finished, we went outside to meet her. My mom and I were one of a few to see her in person. she was more gorgeous than i picture her. When i looked at her eyes they were so blue the ocean would have been jealous. Her smile was so magical it was like looking at the sunrise at the crack of dawn. i just couldnt believe  she was next to me looking and hugging me. It felt like a dream come true. Right after i saw her we said "goodbye". It was time to leave i just coulnt belive that happened all at once. 

The author's comments:

This is the first time i met my favorite singer:Taylor Swift!

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