Brother | Teen Ink


May 13, 2015
By Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Austin Dettmer BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was about one in the morning on that wednesday night, my light flickered on and i turned over to see who had came in. My brother was standing there, fully dressed in his Mizzou hoodie that he always wore. His ripped jeans that were stained with motor oil from when we worked on my car together and a flashlight in his hand, in his deep stern voice he said  “Get up Austin, Were going on an adventure.”

My first thought was that i wanted to go back to sleep because i had school in 5 hours, but after he ripped the covers off me and through some clothes at me i was feeling a little crazy and decided to go with him, with no idea at all what we were about to go do. After getting dressed we quietly walked down the stairs, dodging every creeky spot on the floor to be as silent as possible trying not to wake our mom. Once downstairs Andy looked at me said me him and his friend were gonna go to the golf course and play some golf. Intrigued by the idea i wanted to go. Opening the back door ever so slowly so it doesn't make any noise we slipped out and were on our way. We had to dodge the street lights to get to the next street over where his friend Austin was waiting to pick us up. Running across the street Andy flew by me, easily passing me when i was at a full sprint. The car was hidden in the shadows out of the street light so no one could see us sneaking into it. Once we got in the car i had to get crammed into the back seat of coarse. Andy told Austin to drive and we were on our way. They were chatting up a storm about something, i dont even really know what they were talking about. I was a little worried that my mom would wake up and find out that i wasn't asleep, i was looking at my phone hoping that i wouldn't get a call from my mom. Andy looked back at me and said “Austin, quit bein a girl, mom isn't going to wake up. Were just gonna go play some golf no biggy”

I believed him because i know hes gone out without our mom knowing so many times and hes never been caught. We parked a little bit away from the golf course and walked through the woods to where the driving range was. Andy whispered “Follow me guys” He led us to this little shed where on the side of it was the small baskets that were used to carry the balls at the driving range.

Each of us grabbed a basket and began scouring the field for balls, all of us picking up golf balls until our basket was full. “Spread out, We’ll find more this way” Andy whispered as we began our search. I could smell the freshly cut grass on my nostrils as we meandered through the field. We got the buckets full we started playing, moving from hole to hole hitting wherever we wanted because no one was out. For a little bit andy took us too on of the secluded putting greens and we dumped a whole bucket of balls on the ground and were just trying to hit them in from any spot on the green. After a while of doing this andy said “ Well Austin its getting pretty late, we should probably start gettin’ you home before mom wakes up for work.” I agreed not only so my mom didn't catch me but so i could actually get some sleep before school the next morning. I had a fun time that night and was glad i got to spend it with my brother before he had to leave for the military the next week, because i knew once he left we weren’t gonna be able to go on adventures like these.

The author's comments:

This story describes an experience me and my brother and the connection we had

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