Adrenaline | Teen Ink


May 14, 2015
By Jordyn Sosa BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Jordyn Sosa BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stand on the hardwood floor with my head facing down. I can hear the audience start to grow quiet as we get into our positions. I glance to my left and see my best friend standing beside me in the same position. She glances over to me and mouths the words “we got this”. I smile and slightly nod. I look back at the floor staring at my white Nike shoes. I had been preparing for months now for this moment. My heart begins to race and I can feel the adrenaline corsing through my veins. Now the whole gym is quiet and I can feel their eyes staring at me and the others. I take a deep breathe as the music starts to play. I snap my head up and with an enormous smile on my face, Ijump into my friends hands and go flying through the air. As the music plays on, I do twists, turns, and flips in the air. I run here and there doing dance moves and motions. Numbers running through my head as i continue to dance and fly. Sweat is starting to form on my forhead as I continue on with the dance and stunts. The crowd wows as girls are tossed through the air and perform incredible and difficult tricks. As the song starts to end I move to my final stunt. The one that I had been anxious to do all night. It is an extremely difficult one and I can feel my heart beating a mile a minute as i jump into my bases hands. I twist and turn, moving up and down; switching feet as I am tossed in the air. I finally land on my right leg and pull my left up to creat what they call in the cheer world, a lib. The crowd goes crazy. I can see my parents in the audience, my mom is screaming and cheering me on as i run off the court. Everyone is congragulating each other on a “clean game” and saying how well the other person performed. This is what I live for. Cheerleading has become such an important thing in my life. I have come to realize that I dont just do this incredible sport for me but for others. As I look at all the happy faces in the crowd, I realize that I do it to give people a great show and to wow them with my teams amazing abilities. I am a cheerleader by heart and I will never give up on this sport.

The author's comments:

This piece is based mostly on my own experience being a cheerleader at my school. I share my passion and my love for cheerleading.

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