You Bug Me. | Teen Ink

You Bug Me.

May 25, 2015
By bogeycoco SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
bogeycoco SILVER, Santa Barbara, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

“I hope she'll be a fool -- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

“Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.”
—Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five

I lay back into my welcoming pillows and take a deep breath. I feel at ease until I hear a buzzing noise tease my right ear and slowly fade out above my head. A mosquito? No, it’s probably just an ordinary fly. I rub my hands together, ready to begin, and think nothing of my experience with the unidentified insect. But then I chuckle and realize the irony of the situation. How often does one’s essay subject tiptoe across one’s computers key?  If only the bug could write for me! Bugs have always irritated me just like people who snap gum, or traffic when you need to be on time. I am not afraid of bugs nor do I find them terribly yucky, but there's something about them that makes me twitch.

I feel a tickle moving up my finger: the creature is back. It jumps onto my computer screen, the only “moon” light in my dark room. The bug resembles a miniature dragonfly, no smaller than a dime or bigger than a cricket, and has a silvery-grey body. It flies away, and I am stricken with relief, as I don’t have to worry about the creepy-crawly walking with its grubby feet all over my well-washed hands. I still have a little more to write, and I have been holding in my instinctive response to strike the bug, but if it starts to skip down my arms and fingers again I may loose my constraint. I have refrained from killing it for one selfish reason: it has been serving me a writing purpose. I just don't think the obnoxious noise and the tickling feet of the insect outweighs the benefits anymore. As I am going to shut down my computer; I feel the annoying bug crawling up my face and then I hear it buzz down to to my arm. Right then I reach out to squish it between my fingers. I am left with a question: Should I squish it or let it be?

I  am almost touching its rugged body and I can feel a small breeze on my fingertips from its fast-paced wings, but then I imagine squishing it between my index finger and thumb. I quickly pull my hands to my chest retreating from my mission. I realize, I can’t kill this creature for a few reasons. First, I don’t want its guts on my hand. 2nd, I would have to leave my comfortable bed to wash my hands. 3rd, If I kill the bug, I would be killing my subject and well, that would mean I have no more to write about. And if I were to murder the bug you my reader might not like me very much and that would be a pity. Even though the bug does not deserve my sympathy I close my computer screen.

The author's comments:

Sometimes bugs can be just plain old irratating. 

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