Stranger Danger Scare | Teen Ink

Stranger Danger Scare

June 1, 2015
By Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
Grey Barrett BRONZE, South Bend, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mom was looking at shoes in Kohl’s and kept reminding me to stay close, because I was four and rebellious. I had seen the stranger danger movie five times and I knew how things worked. So when I got the chance I creeped off about 20 feet from my mom. The adult clothing was so fascinating and yet I didn’t know why. I just wanted to touch it and imagine I was all grown up. I stared at it for what seemed to be hours but was only seconds. I turned, still hypnotized by the thought of wearing those big people clothes, when suddenly I realized the mistake I had made. I couldn’t remember which of the aisles my mom was in. In my eyes there were hundreds, even though there were only 12. I frantically searched, not being able to see over anything. I let out a faint, “Momma…?” There was no reply. Worried that if I spoke too loudly a stranger would come to my position, like a predator hunting its prey. I repeatedly whispered, “Momma?”

Then I saw it, my eyes widened with fear. The tall scary stranger was rapidly approaching me, my heart raced, my muscles stiffened as it got closer. I sucked in as much air as I could and prepared to scream so loud the demons in hell would tremble. Then I saw it, this was no stranger, it was my savior, my guardian angel, and she wore a Kohl’s name-tag. “Are you lost?” she asked in a soothing voice. “I can’t find my momma.” I replied. “Well what does she look like?” “Like that!” I screamed, pointing at my mother as she walked out of one of the shoe aisles. I ran to her  like a slow motion movie scene with my arms wide open. Then quickly made a sharp right turn as the fascinating adult clothing caught my eyes and dragged me from my mom. 

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