D + J Together Forever | Teen Ink

D + J Together Forever

September 4, 2015
By Destiny. BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
Destiny. BRONZE, Montrose, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't be afraid of dying, be afraid of not living.

   Baby, I Love You, and those are just simply words because if I could, I would tear my heart out and let all of my love for you flow into this paper, so that way you could truely see how much I Love You. It is so hard to describe my Love for you in words, I know that no matter what I say or do, it will never amount to anything, only because I Love You more than words could describe.

   Those pictures of fire and ice, honey bear, those pictures are about us and our relationship because we both grew up so different, but we don't let that get in the way of our Love for eachother.

   You are more to me than my everything, Love, you are a piece of me and I will always Love you no matter what happens in our future. I cannot live without you boobear, I don't want you I need you! I am empty and broken without you, when we broke up its like all the little butterflies in my tummy just died. You can always turn my frown upside down because you always know just how to cheer me up.

   I have to go, but I will write to you more, I promise, i miss you and can't wait to see you again, hopefully soon, have a good day Love, I Love You with all my heart Mickey

                                    Love Minnie <3

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