1 Corinthians 16:14 | Teen Ink

1 Corinthians 16:14

October 19, 2015
By Anonymous

“Bang” of car doors slammed shut, “BWEEP blp blp BWEEP” of police cars sirens going off as they flew on by the bus and other vehicles. Snow falling down lightly and slowly just like if time was stop instantly and everything was in slow motion. The sight dozens of people of all ages walking around in old crummy clothes, just trying to keep warm and asking for money to stay alive, just wanting to look at survive until tonight, than on the other hand you see the sight of people in their fancy business suits and cars with basically no care in the world. In all of this craziness that's happening there is one place that cares about these people with love and faith.

The place that cares so much about people who have nothing is called Sharing Caring Hands, it was all started by one determined young lady at the time. She goes by the name of Mary Jo Copeland. It came from a small build in Minneapolis, Minnesota to a 3 build campus, 7 acres of land in over the years. She was the first person that had greeted myself and my youth group.

She greeted us giving us hugs and just repeated herself,
“Thank you for coming, thank you for coming. You do not know how much this means to me. I have done this for a long time and after more than two decades... the face... have come and gone... the need remains. They will see you guys taking time out of your day they would be so grateful for having you guys spend some time here and being with them. See if we don't save our kids we don't save our world. Now let's get started”

As we were walking to the kitchen to help get items ready to serve lunch she all of a sudden stopped me.  She put her hand out and greeted me.

“Hi Tatiana!”
“Oh... wait a moment Mary, how do you know my name? I didn’t tell you my name!” “But it’s on your name tag.”
Before I could say something she continued, 

“What I said back there when I had greeted you guys I meant every single word of it. Why don’t you look to happy?”

“To tell you the truth I don’t think should be here. I have spent 15 years giving back because that's how I was raised. Help others out no matter the situation, but it feels like when I do help people out there is no point. It feels like I didn’t make a difference.”

“When you leave here you will feel something. Trust me you will.”

We had went back to be with everyone else and start preparing the food for lunch. When it came to us serving them they had came through those like there wasn't tomorrow all of them trying to get out of the cold and wanting to get some warm food in their stomachs. Everyone who went through the line was so happy to see us. It was hard trying to hand out food when you known you can give them so much because you have to make sure there is enough for everyone else. It is also hard see people of all ages coming through the line, known these are people brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, etc.

We had finish up serving the food to the people and head over to Mary’s Place to hang out with kids and hear what happens over at that building. When walking into the build the kids went bananas seeing that we had came over see them and wanted to play with them, all of them, but one little boy, who was quite in the distances. A little boy who I thought wouldn't change my life. I walk up to the boy to get to play with him. I walk over bent over and the next thing I know I am on my butt. That little blue eye blonde hair boy gave me  the biggest hug that I thought he was going to break my bones. He was one strong two year old.

He instantly said,
“My name is Easton. You can call me Easton.” We both just started to laugh.

“Hi Easton! My name is Tatiana, but people call me Tots for short.”

“Ha ha ha! Tots... that reminds me of Tator Tots!

He had the big smile ever. The smile went to one ear all the way to the other ear.

“Well, people do call me Tator Tots, but only certain people can do that.”
“Can I call you that?”

“Yes, you can. What do you want......?”

“STARWARS! I want to play Starwars.”

“I love Starwars!”

We play Star Wars like there was tomorrow. I showed him how to make lightsabers out of paper. Then I had to leave. He was so mad and so was I. We were having an awesome time and he had changed everything thing I had in mind about giving back to people. He had me his lightsaber and said

“I want you to have this you deserve this.”

“Don’t you want to keep it?”

“1 Corinthians 16:14, 1 Corinthians 16:14”


The author's comments:

I am an 18 year old girl, who is from a small farm town in Minnesota.

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