It Was One of Those Days | Teen Ink

It Was One of Those Days

October 21, 2015
By brittany_gaston BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
brittany_gaston BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was one of those mornings where I followed the recent trend of sleeping through my alarm clock after spending the entire night annotating a novel. Where I stumbled out of the house in a rush to pick up my baby freshmen who I drive to school everyday, only to come to the horrific realization that they were at a cross-country meet and had failed to warn me. Where, agitated and sleep deprived, I strutted into Starbucks to get my daily, morning coffee which, to my surprise, was made incorrectly by the barista who displayed an uncomfortable smile and was wearing an over-sized button that stated the obvious, “Barista-in-training!” It was one of those mornings.
It was one of those school days where my Literature teacher failed to collect the assignment in which I had slaved over all night. Where my art teacher repeatedly told me to had more “darks and lights” only because there was simply nothing else to do. Where my calculus exam resembled more of a foreign language test. Where my economics teacher decided I would be the student to mock today after a horrible span of morning disasters. Where my stat teacher decided she would give us one last cumulative exam that would make or break my “A” average. It was one of those school days.
It was one of those afternoons where I had to zip down the street after the 2:45 p.m. release bell to make it to work before 3. Where I was asked to stay until 10 p.m. and close up the ice cream shop due to a co-worker conveniently catching “the flu” the night of the big football game. Where customers would come in and sample our “Old-Fashion Vanilla”, “Award Winning Chocolate”, and “Cookies-n-Cream” that I can promise you, tastes identical to any other variation of those flavors. Where no one left a single penny in the tip job that reads ”College Fund”. Where customers storm out of the store because I scooped dark chocolate ice cream rather than chocolate chip chocolate ice cream. Where I had to turn customers away because it was twenty minutes past our closing time and they proceeded to scream at me, threatened to write a terrible online review, and then storm off. Where someone had flooded the bathroom without mentioning a word leaving only me to clean up the repulsive mess and all its glory. It was one of those long afternoons that turned into a long night.
It was a long night where I had hours upon hours of homework, studying, and standardized test practice to do. Where I had to finish college applications so I could lock in my plans for next year. Where I had to start the process all the way from the top again within a few hours that did not equate to nearly enough sleep. It was one of those days, where nothing went my way, but tomorrow is a new day.

The author's comments:

I was prompt to write this by an invitation to write in my Creative Writing course. I decided I would add a postive ending to the orignial prompt which was "Write about one of those days"

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