Freshman To Freshman Advice | Teen Ink

Freshman To Freshman Advice

November 5, 2015
By jillian_maxwell_ BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
jillian_maxwell_ BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you're reading this right now you must be going into high school or already in it. I have been a freshman for about 2 months now and there are some things that definetly changed from middle school to high school and I'm going to give you some of the tips I have ether recieved from upperclassmen or tips I have come up with to help myself out. First, you need to figure out the rules for the hallways. In my school everyone walks on the right side of the hallways. If you dont follow this simple rule you are most likely going to get laughed at or just bump into people, I learned this lesson the hard way. Don't ever stop walking in the hallways to talk to someone, go over to the side or just wait till later to talk to them. If you think you will forget what you were gonna say then write it down or just text them. Next, after a few weeks you should know your schedule and your route to your classes. Don't be that one kid that doesnt know where he/she is going because you never want to be that person that always asks for directions. If you need to, print out a map of the school and highlight your routes so you know how to get to all your classes. Finally dont get caught up in drama. DO NOT say things about other people because it will  catch up to them no matter how much you make them swear they wont tell, they always will. If you have a drama free highschool I promise you, you will have a great time! Of coarse there will many different things in your high school then there is in mine but I wish you the best!

The author's comments:

I wrote this because when i was transitioning to high school I wish I had one of these to look at and get advice to ave a great high school experience!

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