The Baby | Teen Ink

The Baby

December 13, 2015
By JThorne SILVER, Hemet, California
JThorne SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Everyone always says how hard it is to be the older sibling. They say you are forgotten. They say you are always in trouble. They say you never get your way. They say how wonderful it is to be the younger sibling. All of this causes the older child to hate their younger sibling. You always hear the older childs point of view, but never how the younger child feels about its place in the family. You always assume the younger one loves all of it and has the best life. This is not always the case, in my family I grew up as the baby with my older sister. Most of the time we could not stand each other. We would fight constantly. She would punch me and I would scream. Who got in trouble for the fighting? I did, unlike how everyone says the older child is always blamed, I was always blamed. I was the one who screamed and drew the attention of the fight, so I was blamed. We never thought we would ever like each other. We had the occasional moments, but that was it, nothing more. We were not those sisters who grew up loving the existence of one another. We fought until the day she left to go with our father. When she was gone I liked the attention. I liked being an only child for the time being. That all stopped the moment I realized she might not come home anytime soon. We eventually got her back and things were very different. We still fought, but not like before. I realized how much I had missed my sister when she came home. She still made fun of me to her friends and I still disliked her at times, she also disliked me very much at times. As we grew up we got closer, we realized we needed each other. Now we hardly ever fight. We just hang out and talk or do nothing together. At times she has been my best friend when I needed someone and I was her best friend when she needed it. I never expected I would be as close to her as I am now. She makes me laugh and smile no matter what is happening. We have been through some tough times together, but as long as we were together we made it through them. I am so grateful to have her in my life and I would not trade her for anything.

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