Personal Narrative-Koster | Teen Ink

Personal Narrative-Koster

December 17, 2015
By A51315 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
A51315 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ok... I shut the door assuming everything really was fine. Sometimes the way my mom would speak I couldn’t tell what she was feeling. But, at least she said she was fine. As my arms extended and my legs leapt forward, my nerves grew even more intense. It was probably just her morning grogginess. Throwing myself back into the real world, I proceeded to get ready until I heard an odd thump. My mind scattered until I came to a conclusion to ignore it, It was probably nothing; that cat is always knocking something down.
I stormed out of my room my arms flailing around with my huge bag attached at the straps in a sudden rush, it was already 6:45. I saw my mom still in her pajamas sprawled across the couch out of breath. Typically she is ready and waiting on us to get out of the door.  But, since my mother’s chest would rise to the size of a mountain and sink deeper than the ocean I knew she was tired from something. I just couldn’t figure out what that something is.
“Is everything ok?” I was sort of mesmerized by it all. This is abnormal because our family is usually on a tight schedule.
“I just passed out in the kitchen and I don’t know what happened,” She said alarming me. I didn’t know what exactly that meant at first thought, if it was serious or not.
I took one last glance at her before inspecting the kitchen. I trotted down the hall to our kitchen and took in the gray walls. Our cat, Gypsy, her water dish and food were all over and one of the towels we had by our kitchen table was on the ground. I was flustered to say the least and I don’t like not knowing what is going on. I sat down on one of our dining room chairs and just continued to look at the mess debating whether or not I should be too frantic about it or anything. I saw the towel reading: Happy Halloween! The hardwood began to aggravate my back and I got up swiftly. I might just be jumping to the conclusion something serious is wrong. As I was cleaning up some of my cat’s water, I noticed a few pieces of the plates we have. I opened up the trash can and saw a few large chunks of the glass. I looked right past it. I have broken a plate when I was washing a dish, the same can happen to her.
“Are you ok? I mean it looks pretty bad out there.” I said re entering the living room. As much as I didn’t know I was still slightly worried.
“Yeah honey, I am fine but, you might be a little late for school. I still have to get cleaned up and ready.” She said dusting herself off as if she was covered in an invisible dirt.  As bothered as I was I figured if she said she was fine she must really be fine. “I wonder what would have happened if I would have checked if she was ok.” I thought to myself lingering on it
On the way to school that day laughter was erupting from everyone. My mom spilled the water from our cat’s dish and made a mess, a huge mess in the kitchen and apparently nobody was at all troubled or even the slightest bit alarmed. Even though our day started abnormal from the seems of it everyone’s day was normal now and will be. Although I didn’t know what was going on it felt like I did. i was
Some hours later about 20 minutes after school I got a call, it was my Grandma. She only calls me on special occasions or for something bad. Since Halloween was close I figured that is what she was calling me about, so I leaned over the table as it rang.
“Hey Grandma!” I said  super cheerfully. I was sitting on our soft couch at home enjoying the day.
“Anna, it is your mom they are running tests right now. She had to leave work. It is possibly a seizure.” My jaw dropped, hands shook, my heart broke into a thousand pieces, and I was overall a mess.
“Is she going to be okay? When did you find out? Who knows? Is everything really going to be okay?” I was all over the place to say the least, things like this usually don’t happen to her or anyone in our family for that matter. The worst thing is a cold or the flu, simple, little things.
“We think she is fine, but we are not sure. She is going to have to spend the night here. Bob is going to have to stay here with her.” So, not only did my mom have a seizure but, she wouldn’t be home and neither would Bob, my step dad. After saying our goodbyes, I just sat there astonished, I decided to text my friends to take my mind of of it out of all the other things that help like reading or listening to music this was the one fit for this situation. My mom had a seizure - I hadn’t even help. She could have died if she were to have knives and other things in her vicinity. I could have done more to ensure she was ok.
I learned to be persistent and check to make sure everything is really ok. Since, I know that people try to sometimes hide the way they are or feel.  If something serious happens check in to make sure that person is fine and get to the bottom of the situation or predicament.

The author's comments:

This article was inspired by my true event.

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