A Trip to Remember | Teen Ink

A Trip to Remember

December 18, 2015
By Dailo123 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
Dailo123 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today in this issue of Architectural Digest, we will be featuring the magnificent Derek A.s house. Derek is a multimillionaire handsome genius and who is responsible for time machines. Inside of his abode are an abundance of rooms, 16 to be exact. In his home the rooms vary. To game rooms and saunas to something as odd as a panic room Derek has it all. We interviewed Derek and asked him why he has so many rooms. He replied with “When you have become as rich as I have, you must have room to store your crap.” When questioned about his favorite rooms he stated that his favorite rooms were his personal food court, game room, and his indoor track.

When you are hungry you go to your kitchen right? Not Derek instead he goes to his personal food court. During an interview we posed the question as to why he doesn't visit his own kitchen. This was his reply; “I don't feel the need to go into the kitchen, I’d just bother my chefs.” When you enter this area you are bombarded by a collective amount of aromas. You can smell lime, fresh baked bread, and seasonings. It was truly mesmerizing. At the time I was so hungry I could’ve eaten a horse. Little did I know lunch was already being prepared. By none other than the finest chefs in the world. Lunch truly was spectacular we were served Beef Wellington. The first bite was equivalent to manna from heaven. After lunch we left the food court for the next part of the tour. The game room.

From the food court we went to a nearby room (150 feet away). I could tell my host Derek was very proud of this room. He strode towards the door confident and anxious. As he opened the door I could see many machines. When we entered he closed the door and the sound immediately vanished. He told me that the room was sound proof. As I looked around I could see rugs, computers, game consoles, desks, and chairs. He explained that this was his game room. He told me that this was one of his favorite rooms because it was obviously entertaining. However he also told me he liked this room because of how peaceful it was. I can vouch for that statement. While in the game room he asked me to hush for just one second. As we listened we could hear absolutely nothing. It was as quiet as space. You could've heard a pen drop. From there we went to his next favorite area. His indoor track facility.

We left the house and strode across the street to a large building. It was an exceptionally large building. As we entered he toured me around the facility introducing me to the staff that maintains the track. He explained to me that it was a full size track equipped with eight lanes. As I was being toured he mentioned that one lap around the track is 400m. He justified having this facility because he likes to stay in shape. He also informed me that throughout his middle school and high school careers track and field was very important to him. Getting a tour of Dereks house was indeed a privilege and I hope to be able to return to it someday.

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