Meeting Skylar | Teen Ink

Meeting Skylar

December 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I slowly walked down the hallway, stomach churning. The door was only steps away in the chaotic mess that had erupted around me. Some kids from the sixth grade hall were running around looking panicked as they searched for a class that wasn’t there, groups of kids my age talked and laughed as they shared what had happened over their summer in the small five minutes we have between classes, there was some kids who were just plain screaming as they were reunited with a friend. Now you might think it wouldn’t be like this on the first day: that is to say you would be wrong. I walked over to the door; oblivious to what was happening around me. This was the third class I had, had today but I had never had this teacher before, in any previous grades. I looked down at my schedule and then back up at the small plaque next to the door that held the number of the classroom and the teacher's name.

“This is it.” I said with a small sigh as I let my hand grab the door handle and I slowly pulled it open.

I walked in and scanned the room for any signs of a familiar face. No one. Guess it's just me, myself, and I. I thought silently. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the front screen. Seating chart-great. I closed my eyes praying some magical force would seat me next to someone who was nice. I let my eyes open and I looked at the screen.

I was seated next to a girl with pretty light orange hair, and hazel colored eyes. I walked over to my seat next to her and slung my bag onto the back of the chair, just as the bell that signaled the start of class rang. Dang it! I didn’t even get a chance to talk to her…. I sighed and watched as the teacher started going around the room pointing to where things were, talking about the same procedures that I had already heard about twice this morning, and other things that were normal for a first day back. I sat in my seat trying to think of someway to start a conversation with the girl. Squirming in my seat I tried to work up some nerve. It was agonizing sitting there my stomach full of butterflies as I tried to work up enough courage to say something, anything at all. I closed my eyes and mentally screamed to myself, JUST SAY HI ALREADY!!!

  I opened my eyes and turned to the girl and whispered with a smile, “Hi, my names Grace.”

She turned her head from the teacher and gave me a warm smile back, “Hi, my names Skylar, thanks for saving me from listening to the same lecture about procedures again for the third time today.”

I laughed relief flooding my chest, I was thrilled that she had answered in a friendly tone, “No problem.”
After listening to the teacher finish talking about how we don't use rulers as swords and purposely snap them in half; as eighth graders that is. We had the chance to turn to our table partner and talk about our summer. I turned to Skylar and began to talk,

“Well, I didn’t really do much this summer, I mostly watched The Maze Runner like 2,000 times. And I reread The Maze Runner series again.” Skylar was smiling the whole time I was talking.

When I finished she laughed, “So you like The Maze Runner too?”

I nodded, “It's my favorite books series! I can’t wait for the second movie to come out.” Then I stopped talking, she had asked me if I liked it, too. I had to hold back an inevitable scream, “You like The Maze Runner?!?!” I asked ecstatically.

She nodded grinning, “I love it. It’s one of my favorite books!”

I laughed and shook my head, “What a coincidence! Who's you're favorite character? Mine’s Newt.”

She smiled at me, “Newts my favorite character too. My second favorite is-”

“Minho.” We both said at the same exact time. I looked at Skylar and we both started to giggle.

Ever since that first nerve racking day, we’re still friends. We’ve ended up becoming really close and can always make each other laugh. On that first day in a new class with no one I knew, I learned that sometimes a person has to come out of their shell and be open to meeting new people and having the nerve to start a conversation with someone you don’t know, because they could very well become the greatest friend you’ve ever had.

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