Family and Love | Teen Ink

Family and Love

January 17, 2016
By Anonymous

It was about two and a half years ago when the best experience of my life happened to me. Our entire family was in Jamaica for my cousin’s wedding. I was very lucky to be standing up in her wedding with my sister, that was a great experience. It was a life changing experience for me because I was able to see two people come together who love each other in such a  beautiful place it what makes it all that much better. That was one of my favorite parts of this entire trip was being able to see them get married and see one of the only cousins I have, be so happy to be marrying the love of her life. I want that experience one day, she has been someone I have looked up to since I was little and she has been that role model for me. I have never been more grateful to be in a beautiful place with all of my family and only have to worry about being with each other. We spent a lot of time on the beach and sometimes on by the pool, but it is not everyday that you get to spend the day on a beautiful beach with the closest people in your life. We happened to be on this trip during my 15th birthday. We were specifically going to swim with dolphins for that but on the actual day of my birthday we went to Ricks Cafe where we went cliff jumping. On the way to the Cafe we were able to stop and swim where at a spot where they filmed the Pirates of the Caribbean. Which was pretty cool, the tour we got was awesome and I got to spend it with my best friend right by my side. That may sound cliche and it may sound like I am repeating myself but looking back on this whole vacation makes me realize really how important family is. After we explored the place where the movie was filmed we went on our way to the Cafe. And my sister mom and my cousin all sat down eating deciding whether or not we wanted to do it. At first I was skeptical because I did not know if I wanted to jump from 100+ feet. But my cousin convinced me that it is the only time that we’re going to be in another country and get the chance to jump from a cliff. I will certainly never forget this experience. Maybe because of how scary it was and how high up we were or the way I landed into the water. I fell towards my right side and my entire right thigh bruised instantly. It stung really bad but with all that adrenaline I did not feel it until on our way back and when we got to our hotel room and I saw the full effect of me jumping off the cliff. I would have to say that I did not have the best birthday that time but I was still in a beautiful place and was trying to not let it bother me. My parents had a birthday cake delivered to my room for a surprise which kind of helped but my sister and I were fighting as usually and that did not help me. On top of the fact that my leg was now in a lot of pain. We went out and had dinner at a place on the resort and hung out by the usual nightly entertainment. After awhile we decided to go back to the room because the day was filled with snorkeling a lot of swimming and cliff jumping. As we awoke the next day we were getting ready for a fun filled day of swimming with dolphins and I have to say this was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. We got to swim with them they hold a sting ray and see a lot of other cool sea animals. That was a great experience because I love dolphins they are my favorite sea animal and it was also another great experience with my family. Although my mom could not join she was still there experiencing it with us while she recorded it. Overall this trip was one to remember. We were able to do adventurous things as well as just sit and enjoy the beach and enjoy everyone’s company. I am so grateful that my parents were able to take us all on this trip and I could not be happier with the overall experience. I love my family and I would never trade them for anything.

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