Ignorance and Innocence Hide in the Trees | Teen Ink

Ignorance and Innocence Hide in the Trees

January 26, 2016
By FTCoolio BRONZE, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
FTCoolio BRONZE, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep

    But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."
-Robert Frost

Home for me is anywhere but the comfort of my own bed, the walls surrounding, and the locked inside un-escapable cozy feeling.  Home is the outdoors, the natural world, a place that cannot be reinvented, altered, or created by any human being, but is and only ever will remain: natural.  The epitome of life itself can be seen in this existence by the careless freedoms embraced in the wild, and the serenity by which they live.  This life I envy most of any, to be completely free of all stresses brought on in this society, to be myself without question.  It was once spoken “Home is where the heart is”, this phrase soon rang true: I have found home. 

Home was found among the whistling pines, their soft branches swaying in the breeze, a calm motion symbolic of a ship upon open waters.  The air light and crisp as ever, a slight hint of the morning dew mixed with just a dash of the stickiest sap, every breath felt weightless yet full.  It was shortly after a rough patch, a coming to terms, with my family, when I had found myself wandering these parts soaking up the sights and sounds with every second spent in motion.  My mom and I, throats were raspy and sore as words of hatred and betrayal flew loosely about.  My mother was first to take it up a notch, “Do what you want! you never listen!”

at this point I had to let go,
“You always think you know what’s best, yet you couldn’t be further from the truth” I spoke calmly, yet certain never breaking eye contact.
“I can’t take this anymore!” she paused, “Get out.”

These last words hit home, I felt my heart skip a beat and drop to my stomach as I thought to myself Is this really happening?  My last word to her that night came with an exception in my voice I had never expected, I uttered a simple “Bye” and that was all.  I grabbed my phone, wallet, and a pair of headphones then walked swiftly to the door, opened it, and left without looking back waiting to hear a faint but regretful, Hey...come back, but nothing had followed.  The soft rustling of leaves and small twigs beneath my feet, became the sounds of trees crashing down amidst the quiet of innocence.  I delve deeper into the wood as a slight breeze occupied my presence, it's cool touch engulfing me, suppressing my thoughts allowing a pure state of mind to come over me.  This defines who I have become to this day.

Finding myself in this part of the world has opened yet another door to life, a path less traveled, a way to lead my life how I choose without the bother and ignorance of those in my presence.  Ever since allowing myself to let go of all these stresses in life I’ve been considerably more pacified and furthermore content with my life.  The reality of nature, her harsh lessons, the warmth and comfort of summer quickly frozen up emerging as a glistening Iceland, so destructive yet beautiful, where life itself can truly begin where death has left its mark.  Somedays I wish I could recreate these feelings, a drawing perfectly depicting her beauty for all to see, though I stop myself short in realising that a memory to myself can be very bittersweet, just knowing it's there without ever overpowering and losing touch of what it truly means. 

Nature is who I am, and I convey you take a minute and listen to the songs of the wild, you may never know what you'll unearth within.  I leave to you a quote by Robert Frost, a man who has truly inspired me in his work:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
-I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”

The author's comments:

This is a written form of a moment that really changed me in life, when i had a family breakdown id walk through the trees to help calm myself down

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