Beach Jump | Teen Ink

Beach Jump

January 28, 2016
By Brandonwalkerjrl BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Brandonwalkerjrl BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Vroom!  The plane dashed into the sky while me, my uncle Joe, my sister Gloria, and some other people were going to Florida for a vacation. We were on the Delta Airline because we thought the Delta was the best airline in United States of America.

While we were exiting the plane, my sister said, “They have big trees!” But I thought, “Who are they?” She ignored me and pushed me. I started laughing. While we were exiting the building my uncle asked us, “Are you ready to go see my Hotel?” “Yes!” My sister and I replied, While we were entering the hotel we looked inside and said to our uncle, “The hotel building is pretty cool!” The Hotel was very wealthy. Our room had a jacuzzi and a mirror that had lights on both sides of the mirror. The TV was 30 inches. The tv was ok, but it's better than nothing.
There were two beds, one for my uncle and one for me and my sister. We had our own bed. Once I fell onto the bed, I slept like I haven’t slept for seven days.

The next morning our uncle asked us if we wanted to eat breakfast downstairs.  My sister and I replied, “YES!” While we were heading downstairs, I saw that there was a gaming center where there were video games and a waterpark. When I decided to go back to the group, I saw that there were a lot of people getting breakfast there. While me, my uncle and my sister were entering the breakfast area; we seen that they had eggs, sausage, breads, biscuits, blueberry cupcakes, milk, orange juice, apple juice, oatmeal, cream cheese for the bagels and stuff that was 25% less fat (mostly for people who was on a diet). We weren’t really that hungry, so we  ate some eggs, biscuits, a waffle, and I drank some orange juice. I thought it was pretty good.

When we got done with our breakfast, we went back upstairs to our rooms. Later on, our uncle asked us, “Do you want to go to the Beach?” We replied, “YES!” We went downstairs and exited the building. We got into the car and we drove to the beach. When we arrived to the beach, I saw that there was a big hill. I was wondering should I go up the big hill and jump?  I touched the water it was very warm. The water looked very clean and it felt like a warm breeze. I decided to jump off the hill. I told my sister and my uncle  “I’m gonna jump off the hill.” When I was about to jump off, my sister said, “JUMP! JUMP!” I dashed into the water.  While I was dashing into the water, I hit the ground with my feet. “OW!” I yelled,  “I sprained my toe.” Neither my sister nor my uncle replied. While I was trying to walk around, I had a cracking feeling on my toe every time I took a step. I decided to lift up my foot and it was the toe I sprained. My toe felt very annoying every time I stepped on something. When I started to walk, it felt like I was stepping on a small object like a lego or a rock. After that, I played in the water only for about ten minutes, but I didn't move that much. My sister asked me to play, but I didn’t want to after I sprained my toe. I started playing in the sand instead because I didn't want it to be obvious.

When it was time to go back to the hotel, I was having a really hard time walking to the car. I got into the car and put my socks on and it made my toe feel alot better. I had to put on two pairs of socks for the rest of the trip because I didn’t want anyone to know that I was hurt. The only person I told was my mom but no one else. Though they never found out, It took my toe 5 months to finally stop hurting. I think I deserved it! I should have looked at the water before jumping. Plus, If I didn't get hurt, I would have probably did it again somewhere else.

Because of this experience, I will remember to always check the water level before jumping into any river, lake, ocean, sea or swimming pool. You can never know what could be at the bottom of where you're jumping. I had learned my lesson the hard way. My toe was bruised and hurted really bad, but now its ok.

The author's comments:

Never try to jump into shallow water.

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