Stolen Phone | Teen Ink

Stolen Phone

February 18, 2016
By JennyMendez BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
JennyMendez BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Pant!" ¨Pant!¨, I could hear the loud sound of my heart racing as me and my friend´s ran into the building to find out whose phone it was that my friend Mary had in her hands...

It was a bright sunny day I could tell by the second I stepped outside to go to my friend Tania's party.

It was a nice big place she had done the party in but it was mostly outside. So me and my friends were walking around outside, when we decided to rest at a table. We sat down and we talked for a while until my friend Mary asked us if we knew whose phone this was... we all looked at her and in her hands she had a black iphone 5.

¨Wow! Where did you find it?¨ asked my friend Abby.

No one answered my friend if they knew whose it was. So our brilliant idea was to take the phone where no one could see us and we were gonna find out whose it was.

¨In the count of 3 you take the phone inside and we´ll meet you in there in about a minute. Okay?¨ whispered my friend Abby

¨Okay¨ my friend Mary agreed.

¨1...2...3¨ my friend Mary got up slowly and mysteriously and she ran off with the phone. As soon as she got in the building we waited for a while and then we all went in there too. As soon as I walked in it was kinda dark but the bright yellow light coming from the windows made it less creepier. Something else I also know dest was that there was no tables just a lot of chairs, they were set up in nice neat rows, there was a lot of them! So we went to the back of the room and we sat down in a circle then my friend Mary took the phone out of her pocket. One by one we would look up to make sure no one was looking at us. My friend Mary turned it on the background was just a picture of a sunset setting over a mountain. There was no password so we didn't have trouble getting into the phone. We then opened their gallery and we were all surprised to have found out whose it was... We saw pictures of a baby and family photos. Then we all thought could it be?... Was the phone we had in our hands the person we thought it was.. Then out of nowhere we heard a voice say

¨What are you guys doing?¨ With such fright we all picked our heads up and saw a group of guys they saw us and they saw the phone in our hands...

¨That's not yours!¨ they shouted.

¨I know we were just trying to find out whose it wa- they didn't even let us finish our sentence when they snatched the phone out of our hands and ran off with it. As they were running away they said they were gonna tell on us and tell the owner of the phone that we had stole it. We didn't know what to do so we said we were just gonna go outside and act like nothing had happened. As soon as we walked out the door the sun hit my face and I heard a voice calling my name yelling

¨Jenny?!¨ I knew whose voice it was right away. Those kids had told my dad what we had done already and I was about to get into big trouble.

¨What were you thinking stealing a phone!¨ my dad said furiously.

¨We were just trying to find out whose it was. We were never gonna steal it.¨ I answered then as I looked around I saw my friends getting yelled at too by their parents.

I was so furious at those boys for telling. Our parents made me and my friends go up to the owner of the phone and telling that we were sorry for taking the phone as we walked up to the owner I felt like my face was just full of shame and distrust.

¨I'm sorry¨ we all said.

¨Why did you take it without me knowing?¨ replied the owner

¨We just wanted to know whose it was...¨ my friend Mary answered

¨It's okay...¨ replied the owner

We all just looked at eachother confused

¨What do you mean it's okay? I asked

¨Aren't you gonna yell at us or get us in even more trouble?¨ asked my friend Abby

¨No I know what it's like to be a kid and you do things you're not supposed to just promise me you won´t do it again. Promise?¨

¨We promise.¨ we all replied
Then we walked away and our parents gave us really big speech about not stealing. I look back now to that day and regret really bad what I had done.

That day I learned that stealing is never a good idea. It could lead you into really big trouble.

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