Elevator Dreaming | Teen Ink

Elevator Dreaming

February 18, 2016
By Anonymous

I dream I’m in an elevator but I can’t tell if I’m going up or down. The elevator is going too fast but it feels slower than trying to get somewhere standing still. I need to get somewhere, I have something to tell him; the man I am going to see.  It is very important and I have only one chance to tell him but nothing seems to be getting me there. Suddenly the elevator stops and my anticipation reaches it’s limits as the door opens. I imagine his face, how he’ll react upon seeing me, how wonderful and frightening it will be to see- a wall. The elevator has stopped between floors. I try the buttons- all of them- nothing. I stomp on the floor, I even jump a few times hoping to kick myself down the few feet to my destination. Again, nothing. He is waiting, I can feel it, he is expecting me, I have to get to him. Nothing is working, I try everything, I try everything again, a third time and still- nothing! I have to get to him, I have to tell him. He’s going to be going away soon, this is my only chance. I’m missing my only chance. I can’t let him go away, not again. We’ve missed too much time. So I try again, desperately harder I kick the ground, stronger my will grows, harder I punch the wall of buttons and harder and more frantically but they all do nothing. I hit the emergency button, the door opens and closes, profusely I hit those buttons. I hit the intercom, “HELLO, hello…” No one hears me. No one can help me. I start to scream, hoping he’ll hear me, I’m just a few feet above him he has to hear me. Minutes go by, maybe hours. I’m stuck in this cubed metallic Hell. He’s gone away by now I’m sure, it’s been too long, I’ve missed my chance. He’s going away again and I’ll never get to tell him. I have to tell him…

… I know… and I love you too

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