Grandmothers | Teen Ink


March 22, 2016
By Allisondennis BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Allisondennis BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be silly. Be honest. Be kind.

Grandmothers are the women who bake you cookies, give you anything you ask for, and take care of you. What if one day everything is different and the tables are turned? The phone rings, and it is the call that you need to come quick and take your grandma, the one person you thought would be here forever, to the hospital, and it “does not look good”. Your whole summer is spent not baking cookies with your grandma but watching her get an IV filled with medicine. It is not enjoying your favorite summer activities, barbecues, and picnics, it is chips and candy from the vending machine, and it is waiting in the waiting room or sitting in an uncomfortable chair next to your grandmother, and wondering if the nurses are really doing “everything they can” and what does that really mean anyway? After months, day in and day out of the hospital to rehab, your grandma now gets to come home! After a while, she is laying in bed and hospice arrives. My aunt cries and Is calling everyone she knows and telling them that if they want to see her, come quickly. I was confused; I thought being home meant that she was doing fine. My mom rushes in and tells me that I do not need to watch my grandma, who laughed and made the best potato salad ever, slowly and painfully die. The only other person I wanted to be with during this time was my best friend, Siera. Later that night, Siera and I laughed about silly things online, and then in that moment, I saw her mom coming towards her room. She walked in quietly and softly she said, “Allison your grandma has passed away”. I cried for a little while because although I knew she would die, hearing the words that she actually had cut deep. The next few days were the hardest ever, planning her funeral, being apart of the visitation, and attending her funeral was a new experience that I will never forget. I started wondering who would call me on my birthday, who would I call and say I got an A on my test, who would make the best potato salad, and above all who would be my grandma? Now as I sit here, I try not to be gloomy, and I am happy for the times I got to spend with her, but when it's quiet, or whenever something happens, I remember the words she might say. I miss her so much, but I know someday soon, I will see her again. Grandmothers are the ones who name you cookies, let you have anything, and take care of you.

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