Put Down Your Phones! | Teen Ink

Put Down Your Phones!

March 25, 2016
By jillian_maxwell_ BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
jillian_maxwell_ BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I got my first phone in 6th grade. However I didn't get my first iPhone until 8th grade. Ever sense then I've been so invested in my phone. When I'm on the bus I'm on my phone or when I should be doing chores or other things I'm on my phone. I spend almost half the day on my phone. While I think my phone is blowing up and I'm  texting all my friend and I'm having fun, I'm really not. 

I never realized how having a phone comes so much obligation and fear. I'm constantly on snapchat, Instagram, iMessage, and Twitter because I feel obligated to keep people updated on my life. I'm fearful of my friends being mad if I don't respond to there messages right away. I'm worried how long my battery will last almost hoping I dies soon so I don't have to be on it. People notice I'm always on my phone and point it out but in terrified of the consequences if I put my phone down. 

Sometimes I wish my parents never gave me a phone! I wish I wasn't threatened by them taking it away. I shouldn't care if I don't have this metal distraction. I should know how to do math with out relying on my phone for the calculator. I should know my Spanish vocabulary without looking at Google translate. I should be able to have a life outside of this device that controls my life. 

I think phones have ruined the human race. My generation doesn't know how to do anything without using their phones. Don't know how to cook? Simple solution, Google. Don't know how to change a tire? Simple solution, Google. Don't know how to do pretty much anything? Google! When you walk into a room of people they are all on their phones. They aren't communicating though speaking but I bet you their texting each other! 

Put down your phones, look at the world with your own eyes not through a glass screen! 

The author's comments:

Sometimes I wish my parents never gave me a phone! 

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