Too Lazy I'll Probably Stay in Bed All Day | Teen Ink

Too Lazy I'll Probably Stay in Bed All Day

March 30, 2016
By Xx_Blast3r_Mast3r_xX BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Xx_Blast3r_Mast3r_xX BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

March 19th, 2016. It’s 12:34 PM, Haythan was still lazing in bed. You could say he was sleeping in, but that was hardly the case. Haythan was just sitting there, wanting to get up, but lacking the motivation to do so. After a few minutes, and the thought of poptarts, he mustered up the energy to roll out of bed. Another 5 minutes, he finally managed to get his face off the ground, and made his way up the stairs.

Although there were a myriad of stairs, somehow he managed to stumble and trip more than five times. Once Haythan had managed to make it to the kitchen, he thought a good way soothe his dry mouth was to eat stale poptarts with a side of milk. He was so lazy, that in fact, he didn’t even toast the pantry pastries. “They’re better like this.” He said to himself. Well, no, he really didn’t. I just think this story would be more exciting with at least some dialogue.

Now, after Haythan had finished his Breakfast (or Lunch, by this time), he had learned a valuable lesson. Again, I made that up. This routine will probably continue on Sunday morning, and the future weekends as well.

The author's comments:

Here's probably the highlight of my life so far. I don't know why you're reading this, but at least try to enjoy it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 4 2016 at 5:07 pm
MatchAshes SILVER, League City, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
this seems like a great beginning,