High School | Teen Ink

High School

April 5, 2016
By Winsea16 BRONZE, Monett, Missouri
Winsea16 BRONZE, Monett, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People always want to know what something means to someone and I try and tell them what it means to me, but I never can tell them what High School means to me it is four years long. We have to go in order to get a better degree, but the thing that I always want to tell people is that being in high school help you in so many ways. To learn responsibility so that you can be responsible when it comes to getting a job and still keeping good grades. You also make friends that some will last forever and others will fade away, but the important things is that you don't hide from others. You need to get out of yours own comfort zone and join clubs meet new people or maybe you want to be in a sport see if you are good at something. There are so many things in high school that you can do that will help you prepare for your life after you are out of school. If you lock yourself away from others you may not be able to enjoy all of the wonderful things. I mean, yes sometimes you don't want to be in school because people make fun of your or maybe you think you are different than other people being different is a good thing. I am different, but I fit into different groups and my opinions are different than some of the other people in the clubs and sports of me, but when we put our minds together and work together we can do incredible things. Don't keep your ideals hidden away because you don't think that anyone may like them you will never know unless you try. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I know what there are people out there that get bullyed and then they don't filllike they belong when they are in high school I have been there and it doesn't fill good. It took the right person to show me that what I think matters and I should make what I want happen be loud make a mark that everyone will remember.

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