country living | Teen Ink

country living

April 1, 2016
By ali--kat BRONZE, Harper, Kansas
ali--kat BRONZE, Harper, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The biggest physical change I've ever had in my life was leaving the city life and moving to the country.
Us moving to the country means a lot of animals. Having farm animals makes for a lot more work. Farm animals need fed and watered everyday and they also need their cages and pens cleaned out quite often. Having animals not only means a lot more work but having a bigger family, we treat all our animals like humans.
Moving to the country means a lot more land. We are able to do a lot of actives such as riding 4wheelers, shooting guns and bows, garden, and even flying plans. Having all this land means more yard work. During the summer time we spend a lot of time outside mowing, watering, cutting trees and bushes, pulling weeds, and planting flowers. Doing whatever it take to make our land look good.
Dirt roads getting home.To get to my house we have to drive down 3 miles of dirt road. I've learned to go slow and take me time. When it rains or snows it gets ready muddy, so we have to wash our vehicles a lot. It's a struggle sometimes to get to town.
Moving to the country was defiantly the biggest change I've had to make. We have had our ups and downs along the way, but I do think that change was the best thing that ever happened to me. It has taught me to be responsible, caring, loving, more appreciative. Making that change was hard but it was all worth it in the end.

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