Who Are We? | Teen Ink

Who Are We?

April 13, 2016
By Mrs.Bandini SILVER, Tirane, Other
Mrs.Bandini SILVER, Tirane, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Who are the people that surround us, we judge them in our minds as they pass, and we base who they are strictly on what they look like and what society has made us believe. The man that was dressed so nicely, sitting beside you in your local Cafe, may not make enough money to feed his family or himself. The woman who continuously smiles at you from her balcony is contemplating the value of her own life, and with one wrong thought she could end her life, deeming it worthless. People aren’t always who they seem to be at a first glance, those who seem the wealthiest could live the saddest lives and those who seem the poorest could be happier than anyone.

Fueled by ideals and morals we humans believe to be perfect but judge others disregarding their past and the situations they are currently facing. We deem those who wear glasses as smart and those with darker skin as criminals, thought this is not the case. I hate to see people being bullied by those who think they are superior. We judge ourselves in the same way when we look in the mirror. We base our appearance on what others find beautiful rather than being who we really want to be, we let ourselves be put on a leash just to please others. Was this really the way we were meant to live?

A myth once said that a human cannot look into another’s eyes and lie, but I believe otherwise. Children, who have only just learned to speak, look at you with big eyes and say “I did not break that” when you saw them tip the vase over just to see what happens. No one is a perfect human because if you look hard enough imperfection can be found in everyone’s character, because appearance is not everything.

Stereotypes are nothing but a fuel that feed on false ideals, pushing people to judge a whole race based on one wrong action. We are said to be tolerant but humans are everything but. We don’t accept anything that is not like us, we develop morals yet believe that the actions of another are immoral when they copy exactly what another does. Injustice and judgement are what make us human, stereotypes and cliches are what develop society and everything we do is judged by law and by those who have no authority.

I want to be perfect I really do but when I look at myself I see nothing, I wish I could say I saw perfection but I judge others just as much as they judge me. I lie to others as much as they lie to me. I’m not perfect, no one is.
Go ahead and look at yourself in the mirror, if you could say one thing to yourself what would it be? Go ahead and look out of your window and try not to think anything about the people walking on the street based on stereotypes and false ideals set by society. Go ahead and live your life without telling a lie. It is said that everything is possible but if so then even an impossible task can exist.

The author's comments:

How we look at other and how others look at us is always based on predictions we make due to stereotypes or cliches. 

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