Speeding | Teen Ink


April 30, 2016
By Anonymous

Oh, how it angers me when teenagers or even adults say how speeding is fun. I'm also not talking about going over the speed limit 5 to 15 mph, but I'm talking about when you're hitting up to 80 mph on a 30 mph road. I hate it when I hear teenagers say they were having fun going almost 90 mph in a 35 and where there are curvy roads. No, that isn't fun. It's dangerous. Speeding angers me because my brother died from a speeding car accident. His friend was driving and decided to go up to 115mph in a 20-30 mph road. He did it because he wanted to surprise my brother and they thought that it was 'fun.' Well, guess what it resulted in? My brother's own life. We lost a beautiful, loving, gentle soul just because of speeding and how they were thinking it was 'fun.' My brother was just about to graduate high school and go to college. My brother didn't even get to have his own start in life yet. He's never going to experience getting married or having kids. He's never going to experience buying his first house or getting his first job for something that he loved to do. He's not going to get to experience so many things because they thought speeding was fun, and it turned into a big mess.

Yes, I'm a Christian and I believe in God. Yes, I believe that it was my brother's time to go... The Lord wanted him home. The Lord wanted my brother to go to his true home. Of course, his family and friends were not ready for him to go to his true home. 

Now, speeding is dangerous. You can risk your own life or someone else's life, and you can also risk very bad consequences. So, please think twice next time before you speed... Do you really wanna risk your own life or someone elses? Do you want to suffer the consequences? 

Please drive smart and be careful... No texting and driving, no drunk driving, no speeding... Be smart.

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