Nature | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By CMelton BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
CMelton BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We arrive to the place and assign groups. I get the good group:; Ms M, Jarrett, Seth, and V. The smell of the air is a bad smell like an animal rotting in some places, but in other areas it smelt like salt water.My group runs to the stairs  to feel the water: is it cold or warm? V jumps in saying, “It’s some good water.” We laugh like little children at play. We see rocks we want to get to so we climb the stairs and run through the woods trying to get to them. When trying to get to the rocks, we have to climb down a steep hill made of rocks. There is a tree in the way, so we can’t get over to the rocks. I find a rock I can use to get over the tree. Ii hop over and jump to the rocks. When I realize that V is missing from the group, we think he still might be in the water. We look and he is just floating his way down the river. My group spots another group and we try to get to them in a sneaky way, so we can scare them. When we approach them, we see it’s Dylan's group. I spot Bailey and we plot a plan to scare him. We see a route that might work, but we make too much noise and he hears us. We are busted. We talk to them about what they saw and they tell us they saw a dead Gar. I am confused at this point because I don’t know what a Gar is until Dylan showsed us the rotten Gar body. He shows me something disgusting: the body lying there. He picks up the mouth and shows us the sharp teeth on the fish. Now we are told that we need to head back to school so we go to the bus.

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