Family | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By WesMeister GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
WesMeister GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up on the streets of Pittsburgh, my dad learned to be fiery with passion. Playing football in the dirt, burning his hands on the stoves making dinner, he had to work for everything. My mom is as sweet as a rose petal. Not afraid to express her feelings through emotions, a rocky boat in a storm. My siblings and I are all clashes of our parents. My sister full of warmth and care, but she is also tough as nails, growing up with two older brothers. My brother… Oh my brother. People may think he is more introverted, but I’ve seen flashes of vigor, a volcano ready to erupt. As for myself, I am a clash of both my parents as well. Depending on who I’m around I can be as outgoing as Will Ferrell.

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