Two Different Families | Teen Ink

Two Different Families

May 26, 2016
By kaylakoz GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
kaylakoz GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is the only one who opened her door. I am the only one who walked in. Two different families with two different histories and drama like mine. Two who do not belong here but are here. Two odd occurrences planned by fate. From the first wedding, I just wanted a friend, and she was there.

Our bond is unbreakable. We visit each weekend despite the long drive. We fight and make up and push each other down with strong arms and pick each other up with loving hands and never quit our fight. This is how we love. 
Never forget death, he keeps us strong, always part of our life. He lives.

When I am too weak and too old to keep living, when I am dying with sickness wrapped in my brain, memories will live. When there is nothing to love, I will not live.

Two who loved despite divorce. Two who met and do not forget to meet. Two whose only reason to love is love.  

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