Goodbye for Now | Teen Ink

Goodbye for Now

October 13, 2016
By katelyn_nicole BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
katelyn_nicole BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day my pet died, I felt lost. I cried of the thought that she was gone. She was a really good dog. I still remember what it was like with her. It’s been three years now, and I still haven’t gotten over the loss of losing her.  We grew up together. She was there for the days I was feeling happy and there to comfort me when i cried. She was a very important part of my life.

Pookey was the perfect dog, Yeah I bet that’s what everyone says about their pets, but it was true she never caused any issues. She was the kind of dog that every little girl wants. I don't remember my first memory of pookey because when I got her i was too young to remember. All I have is all the stories my family has told me about my younger years with her. My favorite one is the one my aunt told me about how when someone came over i would stop whatever i was doing and spring to pookey and grab her as if someone was going to take her.


Pookey lived to be fifthteen. Fifteen years is a long time for a chihuahua. I used to think she was going to live forever, but deep down I knew that one day she was going to leave us. I took her everywhere i went; sleepovers, car rides, and even to the store sometimes. I never had to call out her name to get her to come to me. If I wanted her all I had to do was look down because that's where she would be attached to my hip.


Ever since that day, I realized that every moment with my pets should be cherished because we never know when something could happen to them. Any day could be their last even though we hope that day will never come. But when it does it will be ok, as time moves on the pain will start to ease. Slowly you will be able to not break down crying at the thought of their name. They  might not be here now but all the memories are still alive.


It’s never easy when a pet dies whether it’s expected  or unexpected. We see our pets as if they are a part of our family. I guess that’s why the healing process takes so long. But eventually your broken heart will heal and you will finally find peace.


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