Ow, My Leg | Teen Ink

Ow, My Leg

October 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Narrative journal  entry - When i was i the hospital it smelt like medicine and I heard the elevator button be pressed a lot. Also when I was sitting there in the hospital bed my mom and  dad were reading charlie and the chocolate factory to me. When the doctor came in he said that my tibia was broken right in the middle of the bone and they are going to have to put a cast up past my knee, But they can't do it yale hospital had to do it because, They didn't have the supplies and because yale was the hospital that I always went to so they had to do it. So they put a ace bandage on my leg just for now so when i went to yale it would keep it in place on the way over. They game the option to take a ambulance there or have my parents take me. I chose to have my parents take me. Once we got there we were able to go right up to a room. Unlike the doctors in guilford we didn't have to wait 8 hours he came in in the first 20 minutes. Once he came in he had all of the supplies for the cast and he started to rap my leg it came up about halfway past my knee. Luckley he said when it starts to heal i can get a  shorter cast.

When we got onto the ice for warm ups we would all take 4 or 5 laps around half of the ice. After that  we would split into two separate groups and go into the the corners. One guy would go out to the offsides faceoff dot and then turn left and come back down. The guy in the opposite corner would pass to him, and the guy that was skating would catch the pass and take a shot on net. Each side would take turns doing that after 3 minutes were up warm ups were over and we would all go to the bench to start the game. We would all gather together and we would cast bulldogs on 3 1-2-3 bulldogs. My dad would put me and my 2 friends rory and connor out for forwards.  Then he would put 2 defence out and one of them was my other good friend charlie. When the ref dropped the puck the game started. We had to play 3 periods and each period was 12 minutes.and when the first period was over we were losing 2 to 1.

When we all finally got a break we all took a knee on the ice and my dad told the team what we have to do better this period. He said ¨ We have to forecheck better and get more shots on net.¨ When we back onto the ice the other forwards started this period when i finally got onto the ice and i passed the puck to my friend andrew and he shot it and scored. Right after hw scored he went over to the bench and gave us all high fives . When we got onto the ice we won the faceoff when i saw the puck come loose i went and grabbed it i busted through the d fence to get a break away ass i am on the break away i am at the top of the circle i am about to shoot i hear a person skating behind me i see is stick go through my legs he pulls it back and i fall down . i know it was a trip i was skating pretty fast, When i fell down my feet were in front of me . I was sliding into the boards and i put my feet straight out infront of me to stop my hole body from hitting the boards hard. When i did my foot came up to my knee without my legs moving . I knew it my leg was broken. My dad came right out to the ice to help me. He told me to try to stand up but i couldnt, him and my friend charlie helped my off the ice to get to the bench. When the whistle blow my dad told me to try to skate on it, so once i put my bad leg down i clasped right onto the ice. I got right off my dad carried me to the locker room and helped me get undressed. It took a very long time. Once we finally got me all undressed we went to guilford to get my leg cheeched out. When we got there my Mom and my Sister was there. My sister had her crutches when she sprained her leg. I used them to get into the hospital. Once we got into there they asked me at the front desk :are you Finn Thompson¨. ¨”yes ¨ They told   to follow me right to your room. As soon as we got there to cheer me up he grabbed the doctor's gloves and put them on to pretend to be the doctor, he was acting like he was a stupid doctor.When the doctor came into my room he had a helper holding all off the supplies. He started to get my leg ready to put the cast on. He wiped it off and he told me to scratch it a lot for a minute. One i was done scratching he wiped it off one more time to have the weird pain and feeling of scratching it to go away.He started to rap it. About 45 minutes later it was all done . It was really annoying but in the first five minutes it started to take some of the pain away.


When we were driving home i was so hungry and thirsty. My parents told me that we could go to friendly's but i wanted to just to go home. When i got home i saw my grandma (meme) and my grandad ,and my sister. They made me dinner. About 10 minutes after dinner my friends rory charlie and connor stopped by. They got me coloring books and gift cards. It was hard for me to do things at home and outside. And it is still like that to this day. I have to be careful about what i do because it could damage my leg for the rest of my life. So i have had to overcome sitting out on things that i want to do to keep my leg safe.

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